held on 12th January 2009 at Bob Adams' residence

  1. Present: B.Adams (Chairman), M.Baker (Secretary), A.Critchley (Ladies Captain), B.Awcock (President), A.Fodor (Social Secretary).
  2. Apologies – T. French (Members Sec).
  3. Matters From Last Meeting – Alix Critchley is distributing sweatshirts and hoodies to members.
  4. Treasurers Report – a report was circulated. We have a large stock of club vests. Subscription fees to be considered for AGM.
  5. Mens/Ladies Captains Report - Tony Mackness organised a run from Tile Hill station on 21/12/2008. Howard Andersen has organised a Christmas day run at the War Memorial Park. Teams ran in the New Year 5 mile race at Warks University, and the Warks XC at Cofton Park, Birmingham. The next XC races are at Wyken (men) and Coundon Park (ladies). Entries have been sent in for the Midland and National XC events..
  6. Social Secretary Report –A Christmas Drinks night was held in Earlsdon on 19/12/2008. The Presentation Night is booked at the Hill Hotel for 17/1/2009, and tickets are available at £15.  The committee discussed  the contenders for the Veteran of the Year award.
  7. Any Other Business–
    1. Runner of Month – Dec 2008: Becky Smith (many good results).
    2. 10Km race – Tony French considering Jaguar or Hill Hotel as a base. Coventry Runner shop wants to meet committee to discuss links with 10Km race.
    3. AGM – booked for 22/1/2009 at Jaguar. Details have been sent out. There will be a proposal for another life member to be appointed. Nominations for committee are needed. Proposal details are being publicised.
    4. Youth Hostel trip – Jerry Trill is organising Dimmingsdale for August Bank Holiday.
    5. Birmingham League – we are hosting a fixture at Coundon Park on 14/2/2009.
    6. Coaching – Rebecca Macleod has asked for her coaching qualifications to be recorded by the club.
  8. Next Meeting – 22 January 2009 - AGM Jaguar Club

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker