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held on 11th May 2009 at Bob Adams' residence
Present: B.Adams (Chairman), M.Baker (Secretary), A.Critchley
(Ladies Captain), B.Awcock (President), A.French (Members Sec), P.Stead (Treasurer).
- Apologies - A.Fodor (Social Secretary), A.Houston (Running Advisor), J.Hosie
(Mens Captain).
- Matters From Last Meeting -
- Roger Ladbury is upgrading the format of the club website.
- The Summer Handicap has started with record turnouts of over 60
runners in the first 2 races. Helpers are needed if they are not running
future races.
- Treasurers Report - Details were circulated. 132 subscriptions have been
paid. A resignation was received from Lesley Keighley. Last year’s
Allesley Fun Run donation has been paid.
- Ladies Captain's Report - The ladies finished 17th in the Midland Relays,
and 3rd team at the Regency 10Km. Other events were the Mick and Phil Half,
London, Paris, Rome, Stratford marathons and half. A ladies team is entered
for the Cotswold Hilly 100 relay.
- Mens Captains Report - The men qualified for the National Relays. Mark
Baker represented Wales in the Anglo Celtic Plate 100Km at Galway and was
4th Welsh finisher. Runners competed in international events including the
Rome Marathon, Batavarien Relay, Boston Marathon (Tony Mackness), Vancouver
Marathon (Andy Kelsall). Other UK events were the London and Stratford marathons,
Easter and May Day 5 miles. Two mens teams entered for the Cotswold Hilly
100 relay.
- Social Secretary Report - Thanks to Andrea Fodor and Andy Houston for
organising a post marathon meal at Akbars. A future event at Jaguar is being
considered eg. a barbecue.
- 10 Km Race - This is on 31/5/2009. Entry forms are available on the website.
We have several sponsors for the race. The childrens fun run is also taking
place. 35 marshals and car park stewards are required on the day, and more
helpers are needed. Help is needed organising goody bags. A post drop of
road closure details is being arranged. Catering , first aid, and prizes
are being organised.
- Allesley 5Km and Fun Run - The main run is now a 5Km course, and will
be supported by the ‘Coventry Runner’ shop. Details can be included
in the 10Km race goody bag.
- Runner of the Month – March: Sarah McNaney (PB in Rome Marathon).
April: Tony Mackness (excellent Boston Marathon after missing training through
- Any Other Business–
- Club Events - Track & Field Night: Wed 17/6/2009 at 6.30pm
to 9.30pm. Race the local Train: Wed 15/7/2009. Good, Bad & Ugly
Relay: provisionally Sat 22/8/2009.
- Youth Hostel trip – Jerry Trill is organising Dimmingsdale
for August Bank Holiday.
- Birmingham League –We did not bid for a race. Races: Senneleys,
Gloucester, Sphinx, Worcester.
- Warks Road Race League AGM – This was attended by Paul Kelly
and Amanda Deavy who collected prizes. We must pay a £30 levy
for our 10Km race inclusion in the league.
- Storage of Equipment – we have negotiated a new fee for using
the ‘Rainbow’ garage.
- Road Race Champs – Paul Stead produced a table of the positions
after 4 months.
- Kit – Tony French said he could bring some club vests along
on Wednesday nights.
- New Member Packs - a revamp is needed including details about the
London Marathon Draw
- Bleep Test – This could be arranged at Jaguar on a Wednesday
- ‘POSE’ Running Coach – could be invited to club
to discuss running technique.
- Next Meeting – Monday 22/6/2009 at Bob Adams.
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker