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held on 22nd June 2009 at Bob Adams' residence
Present: B.Adams (Chairman), M.Baker (Secretary), A.Critchley
(Ladies Captain), P.Stead (Treasurer), J.Hosie (Mens Captain), Roger Ladbury
(Guest – Website).
- Apologies – A.Fodor (Social Secretary), A.Houston (Running Advisor),
B.Awcock (President), T.French (Members Sec).
- Matters From Last Meeting – none.
- Treasurers Report – Paul Stead circulated accounts details.
- New Website Update – Roger Ladbury attended to demonstrate the
design of the new club website. The results are excellent and a temporary
website address will be available to the committee to observe and provide
further suggestions. Thanks to Roger for all his work. The existing website
will be updated in the interim period.
- Ladies Captain's Report – A ladies team completed the Cotswold Hilly
100 relay. Ladies competed in races including the Wedgnock multi-terrain
races, Godiva 5 mile, Northbrook 10Km and Arden 9. There have been large
turnouts at the Summer Handicap.
- Mens Captains Report – Two mens teams completed the Cotswold Hilly
100 relay. Howard Andersen ran two consecutive legs. Men competed in many
events including the Godiva 5 mile, Northbrook 10Km and Arden 9. Paul Costain
completed his first half ironman triathlon. Forthcoming events are the Sphinx
5 mile, Stratford 6 mile and Rowheath 5Km.
- Social Secretary Report - A barbeque at Jaguar after the Good, Bad &
Ugly relay is planned.
- 10 Km Race Review – This was another great success. Many thanks
to Tony French, the race committee and all the helpers on the day. The number
of entries increased from last year.
- Track & Field Night Review – this was an enjoyable evening
at Kirby Corner track. Events included 100m, 4 x 400m, 1 mile, shot put,
javelin, long jump, 3-legged race, egg & spoon relay. Bob Adams will
send the results to Roger Ladbury for the website.
- Allesley 5Km and Fun Run – This is on 12/7/2009. The main run is
now a 5Km course, and will be supported by the ‘Coventry Runner’
shop. Roger Wilkes of Kenilworth has measured the course. A permit is applied
for, and Coventry Council have been contacted.
- Runner of the Month – May 2009: Richard Hodge and Richard Hands
(excellent PB’s in races).
- Any Other Business –
- Race the local Train: Wed 15/7/2009. Hampton-in-Arden to Tile Hill
- Good, Bad & Ugly Relay: Sat 22/8/2009. Bull & Butcher,
followed by barbeque at Jaguar.
- Youth Hostel trip – Jerry Trill is organising Dimmingsdale
for August Bank Holiday.
- Birmingham League – Races: Senneleys, Gloucester, Sphinx,
Worcester. Fees are due.
- London Marathon Club Places – these have been requested for
- Kit – Alix Critchley suggested further orders for different
types of club kit.
- Next Meeting – Monday 27/7/2009 at Bob Adams.
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker