held on 5th October 2009 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), M. Baker (Secretary), A. Critchley (Ladies Captain),
P. Stead (Treasurer), J. Hosie (Mens Captain), T. French (Members Sec),
A. Houston (Running Advisor).

  1. Apologies – A. Fodor (Social Secretary), B. Awcock (President), R. Ladbury (Website)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. London Marathon Club Places – three places now received. The draw date is to be arranged. The eligibility rules will be highlighted on the website.
  3. Treasurers Report – Paul Stead said we have a healthy balance with more members joining the club. Fees have been paid for the Birmingham XC League and Warks County Association.
  4. Ladies Captain's Report – Ladies ran in the 4-stage relay, and Nuneaton 10 mile race. Ladies won the team prize at the Kenilworth half marathon.
  5. Men's Captains Report – Paul Andrew won the Kenilworth half marathon, and men won the team prize. There were 2 teams in the 6-stage relays. There were 12 PB’s in September, including 3 for Richard Hands, and for Tony Mackness in the Berlin Marathon. Martyn Brunt ran a sub 3 hour marathon for the first time in Nottingham. Mark Baker won the Welsh Masters silver medal in the Anglesey Marathon. The Senneleys Park XC race is on 24/10/2009.
  6. Social Secretary Report - There was a good night at the Holyhead. Next is the December curry (5/12/2009), and Earlsdon Xmas drink (tbc). For the Presentation Night (6/2/2010) at Jaguar, we need to book a live band and disco. Ticket prices need to be agreed soon.
  7. Runner of the Month – 2009: Richard Hands (3 PB’s at 5 miles, 10 miles, Half  Marathon).
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. AGM – provisionally planned for Wednesday night – 20/1/2010 at 8.30pm. Training runs will start early at 7pm.
    2. Gloucester XC – We will investigate using a coach or minibus with Sphinx.
    3. Sphinx XC Wyken – We need to supply a disc steward.
    4. 10Km Race – Next year’s race must not clash with Coventry Half Marathon.
    5. Kit Order – Alix Critchley can place a Xmas order for kit including hoodies and sweatshirts.
    6. Training Groups – Andy Houston said that some training groups are quite large, whereas others are small. We may need a more even spread of numbers by encouraging people to different groups. Training group level numbers could be removed and just described as hills, fartlek, etc.
    7. Winter Cross Country – a one-off club race may be considered to boost XC interest.
    8. Jaguar Fees – These are due in the next few weeks. Check the noticeboards.
    9. National XC 2010 – interest for a visit to Leeds on 27/2/2010 to be investigated.
    10. Midland XC Assoc – Thanks to Tony French for attending AGM.
    11. REVS – we have been offered the purchase of some radio equipment for use in our races.
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 2/11/2009 at Bob Adams.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker