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held on 11th January 2010 at Bob Adams' residence
Present: B. Adams (Chairman), M. Baker (Secretary), A.
Critchley (Ladies Captain), P. Stead (Treasurer),
T. French (Members Sec), J. Hosie (Men's Captain)
R. Ladbury (Guest – Website).
- Apologies – A. Houston (Running Advisor), A. Fodor
(Social Secretary), B. Awcock (President)
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- Tony Mackness and Howard Andersen Xmas Runs were well supported.
- Treasurers Report – Accounts are healthy. Paul Stead provided
- Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies were 19th at Perry Park XC,
and 2nd ladies team at the Warks XC Champs at Leamington. Rebecca Smith
was 2nd masters lady at this race. Rebecca was also 1st in two Centurion
5 mile races. The next XC race is at Wyken on 16/1/2010.
- Men's Captains Report – The men are 13th in the Birmingham XC League
Div 2 with the next race at Wyken on 16/1/2010. There was a revised
course due to ice, at the Warks XC Champs in Leamington. Other races were
the Bedford half marathon, Hogs Back and New Year 5 mile.
- Social Secretary Report - The Presentation Night (6/2/2010) is at Jaguar.
Ticket prices are £10
and will be available for sale soon. Bob Adams will finalise running order.
Craig McNaney’s duo will provide entertainment. Paul Stead will provide
CD music. Food must be priced and ordered. A new trophy will be introduced
named after a well known member. Bob Awcock will arrange the trophy engraving.
Voting forms with a shortlist of candidates is on the website.
- REVS Radio Equipment Sale – We purchased some radio equipment
and a trailer, for use in our races. Bob Adams is discharging/recharging
radio batteries. The trailer will be collected soon.
- AGM – This is on a Wednesday night, 27/1/2010, 8.30pm at Jaguar.
Training runs will start early at 7pm. One proposal has been received so
far, regarding marshalling at the 10Km race.
- 10Km Race – The new date is Sunday 18th April 2010, to precede
the Coventry Half Marathon (23rd May). The start and registration will
be at Jaguar. Tony French and Roger Ladbury met Paul Claridge (Coventry
Half Marathon Organiser) to discuss how the Half Marathon and Northbrook
10Km can work together to support each others races eg. discount for 10Km
if Half Marathon entered, extra spot prizes and water, publicity and leafleting
assistance, Macmillan charity support.
- Runner of the Month – December 2009: Rebecca Smith (won
5 mile race) and Craig McNaney (half marathon PB).
- Any Other Business –
- Kit Order – Alix Critchley distributed
kit including hoodies and sweatshirts.
- Road Race Champs – Paul Stead is compiling a final list.
- Next Meeting – AGM, Wednesday 27th January 2010, 8.30pm at Jaguar, Browns Lane.
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker