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held on 22nd February 2010 at Bob Adams' residence
Present: B. Awcock (President), B. Adams (Chairman),
M. Baker (Secretary),
A. Critchley (Ladies Captain), J. Hosie (Men's Captain),
T. French (Members' Sec),
A. Houston (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Guest – Website).
- Apologies – P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- Welcome to the ‘new’ committee, elected at the AGM.
- Only 45 paid memberships received so far . Membership cards are needed.
- New members packs/web pages are being reviewed. New members to be encouraged to try a selection of training
groups to find a suitable level.
- Treasurers Report – Details unavailable.
- Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies were 11th in 3 Midland XC races, but did not have a full team in the first
race. Ladies ran in Warks XC, Midland XC, Wyken XC, West Bromwich XC, Wedgnock, Not the Roman 9, Centurion 5,
Wokingham Half Marathon. The next events are the National XC and relays.
- Men's Captains Report – The men finished 9th overall in the Birmingham XC League Div 2, after finishing 8th
at the Wyken and Malvern races. The men also ran in similar events to the ladies. Jack Langman was provisionally
the top rated runner for his age in the UK after the first Park Run 5Km. The next events are the National XC and relays.
A mixed team will be entered for the Cotswold Hilly 100, despite the clash with the Coventry Half Marathon.
- Social Secretary Report – The Presentation Night at Jaguar was a successful evening. Congratulations to the winners.
Thanks to everyone who organised the event and attended on the night. Thanks to ‘The Shuffles’ and special
guests for the music entertainment. A venue is being located for a post marathon meal on Friday 7/5/2010. A pub night
is planned for Friday 26/3/2010.
- REVS Radio Equipment/Trailer – We purchased some radio equipment and a trailer, for use in our races. Bob Adams
is discharging/recharging radio batteries. The trailer is currently at Tony Williams' house but will need to be serviced
and relocated. The scout hut is a possible storage area.
- 10Km Race – The new date is Sunday 18th April 2010, to precede the Coventry Half Marathon (23rd May). The
start and registration will be at Jaguar. Tony French and Roger Ladbury will meet Paul Claridge (Coventry Half Marathon
Organiser) again to discuss how the Half Marathon and Northbrook 10Km can work together to support each others
races eg. discount for 10Km if Half Marathon entered, extra spot prizes and water, publicity and leafleting assistance,
Macmillan charity support. Tony said t-shirts will be required. Resident letters must be distributed. Road closures
must be arranged. The AGM proposal was accepted to increase marshalling numbers, by asking members to provide a marshal
if they wished to run the race.
- Runner of the Month – Jan 2010: Rebecca Smith, Lyn MacDonald, Cath Fenn (2nd ladies vets team at Warks XC),
Feb 2010: James Joyce (Wokingham Half Marathon PB).
- Any Other Business –
- Summer Diary – Tony French is compiling this. The Good, Bad & Ugly relay will be on Wednesday
11th August from the White Lion.
- Showers – John Hosie asked if the heating in the showers can be improved as many members were not staying
after their run.
- Letter to ex-members – the committee will compile a letter to some ex-members who may
wish to rejoin the club.
- Next Meeting – Monday 22nd March 2010, 8.00pm at (provisionally) Alix Critchley's
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker