held on 14th June 2010 at John Hosie's pad

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), M. Baker (Secretary), J. Hosie (Men's Captain),
T. French (Members' Sec), A. Houston (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – B. Awcock (President), A. Critchley (Ladies Captain),
    P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. 128 paid memberships received so far. Tony French will send emails/letters to unpaid members stating that membership will end on 30th June 2010, unless payment is received.
    2. Summer Handicap – the third race had 34 participants.
  3. Treasurers Report – no details of current finances.
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies ran in Cotswolds Hilly100, East Midlands Grand Prix and Coventry Half Marathon.
  5. Men's Captains Report – The men also ran in the above events. Also, Martyn Brunt and Howard Andersen were 5th and 7th British runners in the Stockholm Marathon. Richard Hodge ran well in the Chester Marathon.
  6. Social Secretary Report – 44 people attended the post marathon meal at Cosmo on 14th May. An autumn social event could be arranged.
  7. REVS Radio Equipment/Trailer – Tony French has had problems contacting the REVS representative about trailer and radio issues. The radios are not all operating on the same frequencies.
  8. Allesley 5Km – This is on 11th July. We could publicise by emailing last years entrants. Coventry Runner are donating prize vouchers. Helpers at the Allesley 5Km run, can run in next years 10Km race.
  9. Runner of the Month – May winners (bottles of wine) : Cotswold Hilly 100 Team: 2nd placed mixed team: (Paul Stead, Ann Hughes, Tony Hughes, Dave Lee, Sarah McNaney, Corinna O’Connor, Mark Baker, Pete Fellows, Jack Langman, Steve Bottomley).
  10. Any Other Business –
    1. Summer Diary – Tony French is compiling this. Midsummer 5 mile is on 30th June. Race the Train is on Wednesday 14th July (Hampton-in-Arden to Tile Hill). The Good, Bad & Ugly relay is on Wednesday 28th July from the White Lion (corrected date).
    2. Track & Field Night – booked for Wednesday 16th June 2010, starting at 7pm.
    3. Trophies – Bob Awcock wants these for engraving.
    4. Birmingham XC League – Bob Adams will pay fees. Next seasons dates are: 30 Oct (TBA), 4 Dec (Leamington), 15 Jan (Wolverhampton), 12 Feb (Bourneville).
    5. Equipment: Sphinx have borrowed some equipment for the Midsummer 5 on 30th June.
    6. London Marathon Club Places 2011 – Mark Baker has applied for these.
    7. Endurance Training – Dave Dicks could visit club for coaching training.
    8. Warks AA – publicity received for track relay and park runs.
    9. Alan Hemsley – Northbrook received sad news that Alan had passed away. The committee sent a letter of condolence to his wife and to Massey Runners.
  11. Next Meeting – Monday 19th July 2010, 8.00pm at John Hosie's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker