held on 26th July 2010 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary), P. Stead (Treasurer),
A. Critchley (Ladies Captain), A. French (Members' Sec), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – J. Hosie (Men's Captain), A. Houston (Running Advisor), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. 138 paid memberships received. Tony French sent emails/letters to unpaid members.
    2. Summer Handicap – the fourth race had 29 participants.
  3. Treasurers Report –detailed accounts were circulated by Paul Stead.
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies ran in Sphinx 5, Arden 9, Stratford 6, Evesham 10K and Rowheath 5K. Ladies won the team prize at the Stratford 6 miles.
  5. Men's Captains Report – The men also ran in the above events. A mixed team is running in the 24 hour Thunder Run relay on 31st July/1st August.
  6. Social Secretary Report – Thanks to the club members who organised the Track & Field night and Race the Train. The Good, Bad & Ugly relay is on Wednesday 28th July. Thanks to Roger Ladbury for publicising the events on the club website.
  7. Allesley 5Km – This was on 11th July. 55 people ran the 5Km, and 32 ran the Fun Run. Thanks to all the organisers and helpers. Helpers can run in next year’s 10Km race.
  8. Runner of the Month – June: Lyn McDonald. July: Tony Hughes. Both ran many good races. Winners received bottles of wine.
  9. Any Other Business –
    1. Allesley Magazine – they are requesting an article – prices need to be checked
    2. Coventry Telegraph – a picture and report of the 10Km race charity donation was published.
    3. Trophies – Bob Awcock wants these for engraving.
    4. Birmingham XC League – Bob Adams has paid fees. Next seasons revised dates and venues are: 30 Oct (Leamington – mass race), 4 Dec (Severn), 15 Jan (Wolverhampton), 12 Feb (Bourneville)
    5. London Marathon Club Places 2011 – Mark Baker has applied for these.
    6. Endurance Training – Dave Dix could visit club for coaching training.
    7. Email distribution list – this need to be updated.
    8. Radios – some are UHF, some are VHF, so they cannot communicate with each other.
  10. Next Meeting – Monday 6th September 2010, 8.00pm. Venue TBA.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker