held on 6th September 2010 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary), P. Stead (Treasurer),
A. Critchley (Ladies Captain), A. French (Members' Sec), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – J. Hosie (Men's Captain), A. Houston (Running Advisor), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. 140 paid memberships received. Resignation request from Martyn Brunt.
    2. Summer Handicap – now completed. Thanks to Richard French for handicaps and results.
  3. Treasurers Report –detailed accounts were circulated by Paul Stead.
  4. Ladies'/Men's Captain's Reports – Alix Critchley listed race results since the last meeting. 42 runners competed in the Good, Bad & Ugly relay. 63 members and 15 guests competed in the Summer Handicap series. The Northbrook Thunderers completed a 24 hour relay. The Sutton Park relays and XC season starts soon. The Nuneaton 10 is cancelled.
  5. Social Secretary Report – There is a curry night in Earlsdon on 1st October. The Presentation Night will be held at Jaguar in early February 2011. Other possible events were discussed.
  6. 5Km/10Km Races – Northbrook will donate £100 from the 5Km race to Allesley charities. The preliminary meeting for the 2011 10Km race is soon.
  7. Runner of the Month – August: Northbrook Thunderers 24 hour relay team (Paul Stead, Alix Critchley, John Wilson, James Joyce, Cath Fenn, Dave Fawkner, Corinna O'Connor & Sean O'Connor). Winners received bottles of wine.
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. Allesley Magazine – Roger Ladbury is writing an article
    2. Coventry Half Marathon 2011 – this is out to tender and Vince Clisham has asked if local clubs are interested in organising the event.
    3. Trophies – Bob Awcock now has all trophies for engraving.
    4. Birmingham XC League – Bob Adams has paid fees. Next season's revised dates and venues are: 30 Oct (Leamington – mass race), 4 Dec (Severn), 15 Jan (Wolverhampton), 12 Feb (Bourneville). Ladies are with men at last race.
    5. London Marathon Club Places 2011 – Nothing received yet.
    6. Endurance Training – Dave Dix has a workshop at Warwick University on 18th/22nd September.
    7. Winter diary – this is on the club website.
    8. Radios – some leads are needed for these.
    9. Park Runs – these are continuing in the Memorial Park every Saturday at 9am.
    10. Jaguar fees – These are due in October. We are meeting Jaguar managers soon.
    11. Club Kit – Alix Critchley is taking orders now. We need prices for a sail banner.
    12. AGM – provisionally at Jaguar on 26th January 2011.
    13. Leukaemia letter – we received a thank you for a previous donation.
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 4th October 2010, 8.00pm. Venue TBA.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker