held on 4th October 2010 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), M. Baker (Secretary), A. Critchley (Ladies Captain),
A. French (Members' Sec), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – B. Awcock (President), J. Hosie (Men's Captain), A. Houston (Running Advisor), P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. 141 paid memberships received. .  E-mail cards being sent out next year by EAA..
    2. Jaguar managers met Bob Adams, Mark Baker and Tony French to discuss associate memberships. We are collecting membership forms and fees or asking people to pay directly. Tony French will keep a list of paid members. Jaguar need to check cards to ensure everyone who uses the club facilities has paid.
    3. London Marathon – members are hearing about acceptances and rejections. The club has not yet received any places.
  3. Treasurer's Report – no details available.
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report – The Nuneaton 10 is cancelled. Ladies have run in the relays, park runs and Kenilworth Half Marathon.
  5. Men's Captain's Report - John Hosie sent a memo suggesting that level 1 runners (or others) can train on the track on Wednesday nights. The committee suggested this would be a good idea on a non-club night.
  6. Social Secretary Report – The curry night at Akbars in Earlsdon on 1st October, was well attended. Thanks to Andy Houston for organising this. Another Xmas meal eg pizza could be organised on 10th December. The Presentation Night will be held at Jaguar, possibly on 29th January. Other possible events were discussed.
  7. 5Km/10Km Races – Northbrook will donate £100 from the 5Km race to Allesley charities. The preliminary meeting for the 2011 10Km race is soon. Volunteers for the 10Km sub-committee are required. Tony French is checking possible race dates eg. early June 2011.
  8. Runner of the Month – September: Anne Hughes – very good results and PB’s – also made herself available for relay at late notice. Winner received a bottle of wine.
  9. Any Other Business –
    1. Allesley Magazine – Roger Ladbury is writing an article, but magazine is full, so article may be used later.
    2. Coventry Half Marathon 2011 – no further details about this race.
    3. Trophies – Bob Awcock now has all trophies for engraving.
    4. Birmingham XC League – The club is asking all members for a big turnout. Next seasons revised dates and venues are: 30 Oct (Leamington – mass race), 4 Dec (Severn), 15 Jan (Wolverhampton), 12 Feb (Bourneville). Ladies are with men at last race.
    5. Endurance Training – Dave Dix would like to meet the training group leaders at the club.
    6. Club Kit – Alix Critchley is taking orders for kit now.
    7. Sail Banners - Roger Ladbury is placing an order for two sail banners.
    8. AGM – provisionally at Jaguar on 2nd February 2011
  10. Next Meeting – Monday 15th November 2010, 8.00pm. Venue Bob Adams' residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker