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held on 15th November 2010 at Bob Adams' residence
Present: B. Adams (Chairman),
M. Baker (Secretary),
A. French (Members' Sec), P. Stead (Treasurer),
A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain), J. Hosie (Men's Captain), R. Ladbury (Website)
- Apologies – B. Awcock (President), A.
Houston (Running Advisor), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- 143 paid memberships received.
. E-mail cards being sent out next year by EAA.
- Mal Boileau has resigned from the club. Bob Adams will prepare
draft notes so that a letter can be sent to thank him for his help
with the club 10Km and 5Km races.
- Jaguar memberships – Approx 35 to 40 Northbrook payments
were made so far. Anyone using the leisure centre facilities needs
to pay more than the minimum £15 fee.
- London Marathon – The club has not yet
received any places.
- Treasurer's Report – full details were circulated by Paul Stead.
- Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies have run in the National XC relays,
and the Ladies XC League at Leamington. Several runners completed the Abingdon
Marathon, Rugby 10 miles and Warwick University XC relays. 5.
- Mens Captain's
Report – John Hosie said that a Monday night track session had started
at Kirby corner at 7pm. All are welcome. The cost is £2.45 a visit.
The men finished 16th out of 18 teams in Division 2 of the Birmingham XC
League at Leamington.
- Social Secretary Report – A Christmas meal is arranged at the Dragon
Phoenix Chinese restaurant on 10th December. Mark Baker has paid deposits for
30 people, which the club has agreed to refund if required. However, Andy Houston
is collecting £10
deposits, and hopes to exceed this number. More places can be booked later.
The Presentation Night will be held at Jaguar on 29th January 2011. Bob Adams
will discuss entertainment with Craig McNaney. Improved food options will be
needed. Trophies need to be engraved..
- 5Km/10Km Races – Northbrook will donate £100 from the 5Km
race to Allesley charities. The preliminary meeting for the 2011 10Km race
has been held. The race date will be 15th May 2011 based at Jaguar. Entry
fees are proposed as £8 (or £10 unattached). £11 on the
day. Fun Run £3. Tony French will propose the race as the Warks 10Km
Championships, and Warks Road Race League event. Volunteers for the 10Km
sub-committee are required. The same charities will be supported.
- Runner of the Month – October: Linda Richards – great result
at Abingdon Marathon. Winner received a bottle of wine.
- Any Other Business –
- Storage Area – more keys are needed for the storage area.
- Endurance Training – Dave Dix is arranging a coaching workshop
on 12th December.
- Club Kit – Alix Critchley is taking final
orders for kit now. Some extra hats will be purchased by the club
as prizes or stock.
- Sail Banners - Roger Ladbury is placing an
order for one sail banner. A second banner may be purchased later.
- AGM – arranged at Jaguar on 2nd February 2011.
- Christmas Run – Tony
Mackness is arranging this event at Tile Hill Station on 19th December.
- Thunder Run Relay 2011 – The club will provide a 25% subsidy
for entries..
- Next Meeting – Monday 13th December 2010, 8.00pm. Venue Bob Adams' residence.
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker