held on 10th January 2011 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary),
A. French (Members' Sec), P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain),
J. Hosie (Men's Captain), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – A. Houston (Running Advisor), A. Fodor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. 146 paid memberships received.
  3. Treasurer's Report – full details of end of year accounts were circulated by Paul Stead. Club assets eg.kit needs to be listed.
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report –Ladies ran in the XC races, Sneyd 10 mile, Bedford half marathon, New Year 5 mile and Park Runs. Becky Smith was 2nd Masters lady in the Warks XC Champs and could be selected for the Inter-counties race. Next XC race is at Wyken Croft.
  5. Men's Captain's Report – The men ran in many similar races, and were 9th Masters team in the Warks XC at Cofton Park. The next Birmingham XC League is at Wolverhampton.
  6. Social Secretary Report –. The Presentation Night will be held at Jaguar on 29th January 2011. Entertainment is provided by The Shuffles, and a DJ. Hot food will be available. Tickets are £10 and are now on sale. Voting slips have been circulated.
  7. AGM – The AGM is arranged at Jaguar on Wednesday 2nd February 2011 at 8.30pm. The training runs will start early at 7pm. AGM details have been circulated to members. Four proposals have been received so far, and details are on the club website. Nominations for committee are needed.
  8. 5Km/10Km Races – The 5Km is proposed for 10th July 2011. The10Km race date will be 15th May 2011 based at Jaguar. Entry fees are proposed as £8 (or £10 unattached). £11 on the day. Fun Run £3. We are awaiting a referee for the race.
  9. Runner of the Month – December: Sean O’Connor – big PB in half marathon.
  10. Any Other Business –
    1. Training Groups – Clive Horton and Andy Houston discussed possible ideas for improving these groups, as level 2 is now very small and level 3 is a large group. People should be encouraged to lead training sessions. Bob Adams announced the ideas to members
    2. Coaching Course - Clive Horton will attend a 3 day coaching course, after already meeting with Dave Dix. This was approved as the benefits can be passed on to all members. Courses are also available for other training group leaders who are interested.
    3. Website/Facebook page – Roger Ladbury suggested a revamp in the summer.
    4. Sail Banners - Roger Ladbury has placed an order for a sail banner.
    5. Xmas Run – Thanks to Tony Mackness for arranging this event at Tile Hill Station.
    6. Warks 10Km – this is the Two Castles 10Km – club runners are guaranteed entry up to the closing date.
    7. Kit – more club vests must be ordered soon. Hoodies orders are still not received.
    8. New Members Pack – this needs to be looked at again, and could include a club vest.
    9. Road Running Seminar – Tony French will attend at Alexander Stadium on 8th February.
    10. Resignation letter – received from Stuart Keen.
  11. Next Meeting – AGM, Wednesday 2nd February 2011, 8.30pm, at Jaguar, Browns Lane.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker