held on 21st February 2011 at Bob Adams' residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary),
C. Horton (Running Advisor), A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain), J. Wilson (Men's Captain),
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – A. Houston (Membership Secretary), P. Stead (Treasurer)
  2. Welcome - Bob Adams welcomed new committee members and discussed their roles.
  3. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. Andy Houston is now collecting subscriptions.
  4. Treasurer's Report – no report, but presentation night income and details passed to P.Stead.
  5. Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies ran in the XC races, Not the Roman 9, Hell race, Gloucester Marathon, Wokingham Half Marathon. Rebecca Smith is running in the Inter-counties XC race. Linda Richards supported many XC races. Other clubs had passed on ideas to get members interested in XC training sessions.
  6. Men's Captain's Report – The men ran in many similar races, with PB’s for Richard Hodge and Allan Walsh at Wokingham. However, the men were relegated from division 2 of the Birmingham XC League after finishing 16th at Cofton Park despite an excellent turnout. We will enter some Masters teams for the Midland relays. We are supporting a request to change the 12 stage format to 4 long legs, then 8 short legs, to help marshalling.
  7. Social Secretary Report – The Presentation Night was a successful event. Alix Critchley will pass the photos of award winners to the website. Craig McNaney has offered to do a free gig at a Summer event. Corinna O'Connor is organising a social get-together on Friday 11th March at 8pm at The Aardvark pub in The Butts.
  8. AGM – The committee were asked to discuss road race championship categories. This is deferred until Paul Stead is available, as he compiles the results.
  9. 5Km/10Km Races – The 5Km is proposed for 10th July 2011. The10Km race date will be 15th May 2011 based at Jaguar. Entry fees are proposed as £8 (or £10 unattached). £11 on the day. Fun Run £3. Roger Ladbury discussed Macmillan, permits, referee, eco-bag prizes and sponsorship. A physio has asked to offer post race massage in return for advertising.
  10. Coaching/Training - Cliive Horton and 5 members are attending a nutrition seminar. Clive will attend a 3 day coaching course, after already meeting with Dave Dix. Coach’s corner is appearing on website. Clive would like group leaders to meet every few months.
  11. Runner of the Month – January: Fraser Barrett – great supporter of club at XC races.
  12. Any Other Business –
    1. Training Groups – there have been a few changes, and these are working well .There are ideas for a beginners group, Sunday runs, off-road runs and Park Run training.
    2. Sail Banners - Roger Lad bury purchased one, and will order another one.
    3. Kit – Hats for sale £5. Vests ordered. Other club clothing suppliers need to be identified.
    4. Future team events – Midland Relays, Hilly 100, Thunder run.
    5. New Members Pack – this needs to be looked at again, and could include a club vest.
    6. Mens Changing Rooms at Jaguar – members not happy with muddy floors.
    7. Resignation requests – received from John Hosie, Howard Andersen and Paul Andrew.
    8. Track Races – Rebecca Smith approved to compete for Tamworth in Summer events.
  13. Next Meeting – Monday 21st March 2011, 8pm, at Corinna O'Connor's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker