held on 21st March 2011 at Corinna O'Connor's residence

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary),
P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Houston (Membership Secretary),
J. Wilson (Men's Captain), C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)

  1. Apologies – A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain), C. Horton (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Website)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. Andy Houston has collected 69 subscriptions.
  3. Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead distributed details of the accounts. A subsidy has been paid for entries to the Thunder Run..
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report – Rebecca Smith ran for Warwickshire in the Inter-Counties XC at Cofton Park. Ladies also ran in the Midland 6 stage relay, Ashby 20 miles, Gloucester 20 miles, Fradley 10Km and a 12 hour race. 5.
  5. Mens Captain's Report – Mark Baker is the new Welsh Mens Ultra-distance Champion, winning the gold medal at the Barry 40 miles race. There was a great turnout at the Midland relays with Senior and Masters teams competing. The men ran in many similar races to the ladies, and were 9th team at the Ashby 20 miles. The men also ran in the Sleaford and Silverstone Half Marathons.
  6. Social Secretary Report – Corinna O’Connor organised a social night at the Aardvark pub. Corinna sent out an email to members to establish interest in future events. Free cakes will be available to members in the Jaguar club after the first Summer Handicap. Craig McNaney has offered to do a free gig at a Summer event. A post marathon meal is planned after the Edinburgh marathon.
  7. AGM/Road Race Champs - The committee were asked to discuss road race championship categories. Paul Stead will use 3 categories for men (Open, 40 to 50, over 50) and ladies (Open, 35 to 45, over 45) to reflect the club demographic. Winners can only win one category eg. if a 55 year old man wins the open category, the next over 50 man would win the over 50 category. Races by ex-members will not be used in the final table. Ages are based on 1st January of that year.
  8. 5Km/10Km Races – The 5Km is proposed for 10th July 2011. The10Km race date will be 15th May 2011 based at Jaguar. Entry fees are proposed as £8 (or £10 unattached). £11 on the day. Fun Run £3. Entries are beginning to come in. Marshals are needed.
  9. Coaching/Training - Cliive Horton and 5 members attended a nutrition seminar. Clive will attend a 3 day coaching course, after already meeting with Dave Dix. Coach’s corner is appearing on website. Clive would like group leaders to meet every few months.
  10. Runner of the Month – February: Mark Baker: Welsh Mens Ultra-distance Champion.
  11. Any Other Business –
    1. Teamer.Net – this network site allows members to sign up for events. If we use this site, then members who wish to be exempt will need to know about the details.
    2. Summer Handicap – Members must have paid subscriptions to get handicap points.
    3. Sail Banners - Roger Ladbury will order another one.
    4. Kit – Vests have been ordered.
    5. Hilly 100 – Bob Adams will captain a mixed team on 22nd May.
    6. New Members Pack – this needs to be looked at again, and could include a club vest.
    7. London 10Km – the club has details of some free places if anyone is interested.
    8. Resignation requests – received from Dave Clarke.
    9. Midland Athletics website – Northbrook is not listed as a club – we need to investigate.
    10. Club emails – not everyone is receiving emails. Roger Ladbury will check member distribution lists and role emails eg.
    11. Birmingham XC League - £65 is due for next season. Dates not venues are announced
  12. Next Meeting – Monday 18 April 2011, 8pm, at Andy Houston's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker