held on 18th April 2011

Present: B. Adams (Chairman), B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary),
P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Houston (Membership Secretary),
A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain), C. Horton (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Website)

  1. Apologies – J. Wilson (Men's Captain), C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. Andy Houston has collected 95 subscriptions.
    2. b) First summer handicap had 56 runners. Thanks to Sphinx for their support.
  3. Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead gave details of the accounts.
  4. Ladies' Captain's Report – Ladies won the team prize at the Regency 10Km. Ladies also ran in some marathons and half marathons.
  5. Mens Captain's Report – Pete Fellows led a club entry in the Coventry Way 40 miles. The men also competed in many marathons and half marathons.
  6. Social Secretary Report – Free cakes were available to members in the Jaguar club after the first Summer Handicap, and this will be repeated next month. Thanks to Craig and Sarah McNaney, Cath Fenn, Richard Hands and Corinna O’Connor. Craig has offered to do a free gig at a Summer event. A picnic is planned after the May Day 5 mile race in the Memorial Park. A post marathon meal is planned after the Edinburgh marathon in Coventry.
  7. Road Race Champs - The committee were asked to discuss road race championship categories. Paul Stead will use 3 categories for men (Open, 40 to 50, over 50) and ladies (Open, 35 to 45, over 45) to reflect the club demographic. The committee decided to review at the next meeting whether the winners can only win one category eg. if a 55 year old man wins the open category, the next over 50 man would win the over 50 category. Races by ex-members will not be used in the final table. Ages are based on 1st January of that year.
  8. 10Km Race – The10Km race date will be 15th May 2011 based at Jaguar. Entry fees are proposed as £8 (or £10 unattached). £11 on the day. Fun Run £3. Marshals are needed. The sub-committee are well organised and Roger Ladbury gave details of the race preparations.
  9. 5Km Race - The 5Km is proposed for 10th July 2011. The Allesley Festival organiser is concerned that they may not get road closure for the festival procession. This could affect the 5Km plans.
  10. Coaching/Training - Clive Horton will attend a 3 day coaching course, but will defer assessment until later.  Coach’s corner is appearing on website. Clive would like group leaders to meet every few months, and is seeking a regular level 2 leader. Clive is also considering track sessions.
  11. Runner of the Month – March: Richard Hodge: many PB’s including the Ashby 20 miles.
  12. Any Other Business –
    1. Teamer.Net – this network site allows members to sign up for events and is in use.
    2. Sail Banners - Roger Ladbury obtained a second one. It could be used at park runs.
    3. Kit – Bob Adams has received a £700 order of club vests.
    4. Hilly 100 – A men's and mixed team have been entered. Bob Adams will be captain.
    5. New Members Pack – Andy Houston will look at ideas, pack and could include a club vest.
    6. Resignation requests – received from Tony Hoy. We will thank Tony for agreeing to help at the 10Km race.
    7. Club emails – not everyone was receiving emails. Roger Ladbury has checked member distribution lists and role emails eg.
    8. Birmingham XC League - £65 is paid for next season. John Wilson is the main contact. Dates not venues are available on the website. No details yet of ladies league.
    9. Future Club Events – possible dates are Wed 29 June – Track Olympics, Wed 13th July – Race the Train, Wed 27th July – Good, Bad & Ugly relay.
    10. Membership Cards – Roger Ladbury created a prototype card design, and asked for unique membership numbers to be assigned which stay the same each year.
  13. Next Meeting – Monday 16 May 2011, 8pm, at Bob Adams' residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker