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held on 5th September 2011
Present: B. Adams (Chairman),
M. Baker (Secretary), P. Stead (Treasurer),
A. Houston (Membership Secretary),
A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain),
O'Connor (Social Secretary),
C. Horton (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Website)
- Apologies – B. Awcock (President), J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- 115 subscriptions have been registered with England Athletics.
- Fifth summer handicap had approx 40 runners. Final race on Wednesday
- Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead circulated the latest details.
- Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Northbrook had 3 individuals and 2
teams at the Thunder Run 24 hour relay. Well done to Paul Stead, Tony Bowe
and Alix Critchley. The men's team was 4th, and the mixed team was 81st. Pete
Fellows is the Warwickshire O55 5 mile champion after the Autumnal 5. Corinna
O’Connor completed the Outlaw Triathlon. Other recent events included
the Kenilworth Half Marathon. Next club events are the Midland Relays and then
cross country season.
- Social Secretary Report – Thanks to everyone who brought cakes to
all the summer Handicaps. Next events are the Parkrun with bacon butties
on 10/9/2011, Sphinx quiz on 16/9/2011, and a night at the dog racing in Hall
Green on 23/9/2011. We need to book a room at Jaguar for the Presentation Night
in January, and arrange a Christmas meal.
- 10Km Race – Roger Ladbury discussed possible dates which do not clash
with other races. One option is replacing the Allesley 5Km with the 10Km race.
The committee needs to promote the need for 10Km sub-committee helpers, especially
for publicity, entries, deputy race director, chief marshal and fundraiser.
Roger will send out an outline of each role.
- Training - Training groups are starting again. New sessions are on
the website. There is a Dave Dix coaching talk at Kirby Corner on 5/10/2011.
John Wilson is interested.
- Runner of the Month – August: Pete Fellows (Warks O55 5 mile champion).
- Any Other Business –
- Birmingham League – The first
race is in Leamington on 12/11/2011. Bob Adams made a friendly offer
to buy post race drinks for all runners and supporters who attend
the final race at Stafford, if Northbrook are promoted from Div 3
on the day.
- Good, Bad & Ugly relay – There was a good
turnout of 15 teams. Winners were Paul Lawlor, Kevin Coughlan and
Richard French.
- London Marathon – we have applied for club
places, and expect 3 entries soon.
- Road Race Championships – Paul
Stead will create an updated list.
- Lucozade – A sports scientist
visited Jaguar for a talk on 11/8/2011. 20 people attended.
- AGM – a
room needs to be booked at Jaguar for a Wednesday night in January
- Trophy – Tony Hoy returned an old Hilly 100 trophy
to be re-used or displayed.
- Next Meeting – Monday 3rd October 2011, 8pm, at Alix Critchley's
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker