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held on 3rd October 2011
Present: B. Adams (Chairman),
P. Stead (Treasurer), A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain),
John Wilson (Men's Captain),
O'Connor (Social Secretary)
- Apologies – B. Awcock (President), M. Baker (Secretary), A. Houston (Membership Secretary),
C. Horton (Running Advisor), R. Ladbury (Website)
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- London Marathon places advertised - we have 3 places.
- Bob Adams is awaiting reply from Jaguar for AGM and Presentation Evening bookings.
- Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead has details. Fees paid for John Wilson's coaching course.
- Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website. It was great to see so many ladies at the
relays. Sarah McNaney ran a particularly good leg. Pete Fellows ran 1.25 at the Kenilworth half marathon and Kevin Coughlan
and Mark Dalton ran PB’s at the Great North Run. Next is the Rugby 10 mile and Warks XC relays. There are XC training
dates being arranged. John Wilson will give more details..
- Social Secretary Report – Thanks to Corinna for organising the Park Run bacon butties on 10/9/2011, Sphinx quiz
on 16/9/2011, and the dog racing in Hall Green on 23/9/2011. Next is a ten pin bowling night on 21/10/2011. There may also
be a Xmas meal. There were suggestions of an ‘Oscars’ theme for the Presentation night e.g. black tie or film
- 10Km Race – A possible date is 15/7/2012. There has been some feedback on request for sub-committee and publicity
ideas. The race publicity could be linked to the Olympics and Allesley Festival.
- Training - An advert on the club training is appearing in the Coventry Telegraph. John Wilson’s coaching course
is at Kirby Corner on 5/10/2011.
- Runner of the Month – September: Gemma Nash (many recent PB’s).
- Any Other Business –
- Birmingham League – The first race is in Leamington on 12/11/2011. There are no changing facilities
at the third race in Dudley’s Baggeridge Park. All XC dates are on the website.
- Road Race Championships – Paul
Stead will create an updated list. Categories are agreed.
- Jaguar Fees – these are due from the start
of October.
- New Members – Andy Houston must send forms to England Athletics for registration numbers.
- John Hosie – we now have an official resignation notice .
- Next Meeting – Monday 7th November 2011, 8pm, at John Wilson's
Minutes prepared by Alix Critchley