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held on 7th November 2011
Present: M. Baker (Secretary), J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
A. Houston (Membership Secretary),
O'Connor (Social Secretary)
- Apologies – B. Awcock (President), B. Adams (Chairman), A.
Critchley (Ladies' Captain), P. Stead (Treasurer), C. Horton (Running Advisor),
R. Ladbury
- Matters From Last Meeting –
- London Marathon places – no draw was needed as only 3 eligible
people wanted places – these places were given to Mark Dalton,
Sean O’Connor and Tony French. Allan Walsh was later made a reserve
for any places which become available.
- There has been interest from
a lot of new members recently after an advert in the local press.
- Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead sent details. Correction from last
meeting: John Wilson’s is still waiting to get re-imbursement for
coaching course fees.
- Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website.
There have been many good runs and PB’s, especially from Mark Dalton
and Kevin Coughlan. Pete Fellows ran the fastest marathon of the year at Abingdon
(3.03). Mark Baker was the winner of the inaugural Staffordshire Trail Marathon.
There were many excellent individual results in the Warks Road Race League
categories. The first Birmingham League and Ladies Midland XC races are in
Leamington on 12/11/2011. John asked for people to let him know in advance
if they cannot run at a race they are have agreed to attend. Wednesday training
groups are very popular at the moment.
- Social Secretary Report – Thanks to Corinna for organising the ten
pin bowling night on 21/10/2011. There was a great attendance. There will be
a Xmas curry on 3/12/2011. Corinna is checking possible venues. There were
suggestions of an ‘Olympics- gold, silver, bronze’ theme for the
Presentation night on 21/1/2012 at Jaguar. Corinna will check food prices.
Andy Houston will book the DJ. Tickets and prices to be finalised soon.
- 10Km Race – A provisional date is 15/7/2012. There have been some new
additions to the sub-committee. Thank you to all including Kevin Coughlan,
Tony Mackness and Sean O’Connor.
- Runner of the Month – October: Mark Dalton and Kevin Coughlan
(many recent PB’s).
- Any Other Business –
- Jaguar Fees – these have been due from the start of October.
- Subscriptions – these are to be compared with other local
- AGM date – this is booked at Jaguar for Wed 25/1/2012
after training.
- Kit – we had enquiries from some online
suppliers who would like to meet us.
- Thunder Run 2012 – we
will again subsidise team entries which are now due.
- Warks Road
Race League – the AGM and prize-giving is on 16/11/2011.
- Showers – there
have been some cold showers after training runs. We will monitor
- Next Meeting – Monday 5th December 2011, 8pm, at Alix Critchley's
Minutes prepared by Mark Baker