held on 2nd February 2011 at Jaguar Sports and Social Club, Browns Lane, Coventry

  1. Present: 51 members.
  2. Apologies – Craig McNaney, Tony Hughes
  3. Matters From Last Meeting – Last year’s minutes accepted (Proposed: Bob Awcock, Seconded: Tony French).
  4. Chairman’s Report – Bob Adams - verbatim – “It’s been another eventful year for the club in the WRRL. The mens team came 4th overall but we were only a few points behind the second placed team, and I’m sure that with everyone’s support we can do better this year. The ladies also came 4th overall, finishing a very frustrating half a point behind Sphinx in 3rd place. There were some terrific individual performances with Sarah McNaney, Anne Hughes and Pete Fellows all winning category awards. On the cross country front, it’s been really encouraging to see more of the ladies running in the Midlands league races, and Becky smith recently qualified to run for Warwickshire in the Inter-Counties race. The mens team stayed up comfortably last season, but I have to report that injuries to some of our top runners means that we have a real battle on our hands this season to beat Centurion and retain our place in division 2. I appreciate that cross country is not everyone's cup of tea, but I would make a passionate appeal for as many members as possible to be at Cofton Park on 12th February. It promises to be a really exciting afternoon with the added bonus that the ladies team are running at the same venue, and your presence there as a runner or supporter could make all the difference to the result.
    I think it’s fair to say that there has been an emphasis on longer runs recently, with lots of people running marathons last year. We’ve also seen several members dabbling in the ultra distance scene, with some spectacular and admirable results. A particularly welcome addition to the fixture list last year was the Thunder Run 24 hour relay, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all of those who participated, and I know that there is a long queue developing of members who want to run in it this year. I think that it’s great to have a fresh challenge to go for, but I would urge members not to neglect the core events such as the 6 and 12 stage relays and the Hilly 100 relay.
    It’s really encouraging to see how many members are participating in the speedwork sessions every week, and I would like to thank Sarah, Clive, Jo, Abbe and Andy for all of the hard work they have put in to develop and improve these sessions – they almost make hill reps fun!
    The 10Km race continues to be the best organised event in this area, ant it was a proud day for the club last year when the Lord Mayor of Coventry came along to act as the official starter. I certainly enjoyed riding up Browns Lane in his car – it’s far easier than running it! We all appreciate the fantastic efforts of all of the race sub-committee – the work they put in to make the race a success is incredible, and I’m sure that this year’s event in May will be even better. We also organised the Allesley 5Km race in July, and whilst the numbers competing are not that great, it does help to enhance our reputation as a club in the local community. I’m pleased to confirm that the Coventry runner shop are keen to sponsor this year’s event, and we will try to make it a higher profile race by promoting it to all those who run in the 10Km race in May.
    We‘ve enjoyed several social events during the year mainly with an alcoholic theme, and I’m confident that the social side of the club will continue to develop in 2011.
    Finally, I’m sure that you will agree that the Northbrook website is a great asset for the club in attracting new members. Thanks to Roger’s efforts, we now have a club sail banner as well.
    I’d like to thank all of my fellow committee members for the support they have given me over the last 12 months. As I say every year, they all lead busy lives, but they are prepared to do that bit extra to ensure that Northbrook is the club that it is. I’d particularly like to highlight the efforts put in by Tony French and John Hosie – for perfectly understandable reasons they are having to stand down from the committee this year, but they have both given up hours of their own time to make sure that the club continues to operate successfully.
    It continues to be an honour for me to be the chairman of such a great club as Northbrook. We might not all be the fastest runners in the Coventry area, but in my opinion we are the friendliest, and I’m confident that by working hard together and having some fun at the same time, we can continue to be THE club to be a member of.
    Tonight is your opportunity to have your say about what is going on at the club, and I would urge you all to participate wherever you feel appropriate. All I would ask is that you raise your hand when you want to speak so that we can have an orderly and constructive meeting”
  5. Treasurers Report – Paul Stead circulated a report. The balance has increased. Paul Stead recommended that subscription fees are unchanged:

    For 51, Against 0. Accepted – Fees are now due.
    Renewals £17 (concession/2nd claim £10), New Members £25 (includes vest).
  6. Proposals Received –
    1. Proposal - London Marathon Club Draw - add to the list of designated Club events::

      1. Midland Counties 7 miles Men & 5 miles Women Cross Country Championships
      2. Any Team Event supported by the Club Committee and entered under the Club name.

      Revised Conditions to read:
      London Marathon - Guaranteed Places for Club Members
      Each year the Club has to apply for, and may be allocated, a certain number of "Guaranteed Entry" places to the London Marathon. Allocation of these places is to be by secret ballot. This is to be made after the Club has been notified of the number of places awarded and members have been advised of rejection. Inclusion in the ballot is open to all paid-up members who meet the following qualifying criteria:
      a. Have applied for entry to the next London Marathon and have an official rejection notice (need to produce evidence on night of ballot or to a Committee Member as proof of rejection).
      b. Has been a Member for at least one year, calculated as, at least, twelve calendar months prior to closing date for receipt by The London Marathon Ltd. of Guaranteed Club Entry.
      c. Have completed, at least, six (6) of the designated Club Events. These are - Cross Country: Birmingham League (Men), Midland League (Women); MCAA 7 (Men), 5 (Women) Championship; Warwickshire, Midland and National Championships; Midland and National Relays. Road: Midland and National 6-stage relays (men), 4-stage relays (Women); Midland and National 12-stage relays (men), 6-stage relays (Women); Warwickshire relays, Warwickshire Road Race League, Cotswold Hilly 100 relay and the six Summer Handicaps. Any Team Event supported by the Club Committee and entered under the Club name.
      d. Has not been successful in Club Ballot in previous two years.

      Proposed by: Tony French, Seconded by: Roger Ladbury

      Amendment: Proposer: Alix Critchley, Seconder: Cath Fenn – Add Warwick University relays to list.

      Amendment: Accepted (51 For, 0 Against)

      Main Proposal with Amendment: Accepted (51 For, 0 Against)

    2. Proposal -To add an event to the list of events included in the Northbrook Road Race Championship

      Currently only times from the Club Summer Handicap races qualify for inclusion as 5k races in the Club's Road Race Championship table. Now that we have a weekly measured 5k race in Coventry, ie the ParkRun, the proposal is that any ParkRun result be taken into account. It would be the responsibility of the individual to submit results to the RRC table compiler.

      Proposed by: Tony Mackness, Seconded by: Paul Lawlor

      Amendment: Proposer: Paul Stead, Seconder: Cath Fenn – Add a separate category to the Road Race Championships for any ratified 5Km race (including Park Runs), but not Summer Handicaps. Retain the separate category for a Summer Handicap. Allow 5 of the 8 categories to count for the Road Race Championships.

      Amendment: Accepted (26 For, 3 Against)

      Main Proposal: replaced by amendment

    3. Proposal - To increase the number of categories in the Northbrook Road Race Championships

      Change the current system of only 2 categories for men, and 2 for ladies to fit the club demographic. Each member only eligible for one age category. Possible categories are:
      Men - under 40, 55 and under, 56 and above
      Ladies - under 35, 50 and under, 51 and above.

      Proposed by: Sarah McNaney, Seconded by: Corinna O'Connor

      Main Proposal: Accepted on principle (51 For, 0 Against) with the condition that the new committee set the actual categories at a later meeting.

    4. Proposal - To increase the ranges of points awarded in the Clubs' summer handicap series races.

      The points ranges for Club Summer Handicap races be increased to: Men's table 1 to 100 points Ladies’ table 1 to 50 points. The number of Club members taking part in the Summer Handicap series has, in the past two seasons at least, been such that in some races the number of members has exceeded the points range, resulting in several later finishers receiving zero points for those races. To offer an incentive to all competitors it is proposed to increase the range of points available such that every Club member finishing a handicap race will be allocated a unique number of non-zero points for that race. The proposed new ranges are designed to cater for the growing Club membership and a correspondingly increasing handicap race participation.

      Proposed by: Roger Ladbury, Seconded by: Tony French

    5. Amendment: Proposer: Roger Ladbury, Seconder: Bob Adams – Increase men's table points range from 1 to 50 points, and ladies from 1 to 30 points. Retain 5 points for PB performances.

      Amendment: Accepted (51 For, 0 Against)

      Main Proposal: replaced by amendment

  7. Election of Officers -
    1. President - Bob Awcock
    2. Chairperson - Bob Adams
    3. Secretary - Mark Baker
    4. Treasurer - Paul Stead
    5. Mens Captain - John Wilson
    6. Ladies Captain- Alix Critchley
    7. Membership Secretary - Andy Houston
    8. Social Secretary - Corinna O'Connor
    9. Running Advisor - Clive Horton

    Non committee

    1. Summer Handicap - Richard French
    2. Website - Roger Ladbury
    3. 10km race - Tony French, Roger Ladbury, Shaun Flanaghan, John Ralph, Andy Houston, Corinna O'Connor
  8. Awards for 2010
    1. Mens Road Race - Howard Andersen
    2. Ladies Road Race - Rebecca Smith
    3. Vet Mens Road Race - Howard Andersen
    4. Vet Ladies Road Race - Rebecca Smith
    5. Veteran of the Year - Jack Langman
    6. Mens Summer Handicap - Steve Bottomley
    7. Ladies Summer Handicap - Leanne Trerise
    8. Paul Kelly Trophy - Howard Andersen/Corinna O'Connor
    9. Clubperson of the Year - Bob Adams
    10. Most Improved Runner - Sean O'Connor
    11. Animal of the Year - Dave Fawkner/Alix Critchley
  9. Any other business
    1. 10km race – Last year it was agreed that any member who marshals at another club race, can run in the 10Km race without supplying a replacement helper or marshal. There was a great response and many members are now eligible to run in the 2011 10Km race. However, Tony French asked for eligible members to consider being helpers and marshals again, as 55 are needed for the smooth running of the race.
    2. Membership – Tony French stated that we had 144 paid members in 2010.
    3. Vote of Thanks – Roger Ladbury asked members to thank the 2010 committee.
  10. Meeting closed at 9.40pm

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker