held on 2nd April 2012

Present: B. Awcock (President), B. Adams (Chairman),
P. Stead (Treasurer), J. Wilson (Men's Captain), A. Critchley (Ladies' Captain),
A. Houston (Membership Secretary), C. O'Connor (Social Secretary), R. Ladbury (website)

  1. Apologies – M. Baker (Secretary), C. Horton (Running Advisor)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. Email list – the Northbrook mailing list needs to be updated with new members
    2. b. Vests – Bob Adams has ordered some new vests – replacement vests are not subsidised and are sold at full price.
  3. Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead circulated details, and asked about future kit costs.
  4. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Many performances - displayed on Club web site. Discussed amongst others Dave, Mark 40, Silverstone Half , Gemma/Tony PB . 9 ladies in relay being top Coventry Club.
  5. Social Secretary Report – Report given, theatre night a huge success, curry this Thursday, 30 people so far. Corrina suggested a training weekend, mixed views on it, possibly planning for 2013. Post marathon activity suggestions needed by May meeting. TBA.
  6. 10Km Race – Flyer out, looks professional. Why was date not put out sooner to capture failed 2 Castles people? Action: Ask 2 Castles for possibility of giving failed runners. But this probably not possible due to Data Protection. Corinna O'Connor talked about a big push to promote by club members vis a vis Park Run/Regency/5 mile Easter Sunday. Roger Ladbaury reported on the 10k entries and the notice going into Runners World and our own website this week. 300 past participants e-mailed by RL. Forthcoming events to be targeted e.g. Massey 5. New sponsors Scholars Night Club. 
  7. Hilly 100 discussed Sunday 20th May. COC has list of names, discussion re mixed team or not. Entries in by 20/04. Action: Bob to market at 1st Handicap.
  8. Members paid up well in excess of 100 now. E-mail to go out by A. Houston re last date for renewal being 30 April and full spreadsheet to be circulated to Committee especially P. Stead for the Champs.
  9. Alix Critchley reported on club garments and to e-mail. Paul Stead suggested a stock take mechanism on Excel.
  10. No tent on relays, suggestions to see Gareth Knight at Go Outdoors re possibility of purchase. A Houston to action.
  11. Next Park run ‘Focus’ date is 28 April.
  12. Runner of the Month – March 2012: Liz Pharoah for her PB at Reading.
  13. Any Other Business –
    1. Brmingham League - Northbrook to host Men’s/Ladies XC race, the last one in February 2013. Action: John Wilson to chase up Northbrook Community College for a venue. Alix Critchley to e-mail the League to confirm the ladies event.
  14. Next Meeting – Monday 14 Mayl 2012, 8pm, at John Wilson's residence.

Minutes prepared by Andrew Houston