Move the start time to 7pm to allow for better 'quality' training that takes a little longer. Will also take advantage of more light in the Spring and Autumn. Alternative is just to do this for Level 1.
Proposed by: John Wilson, Seconded by:
James Joyce
Proposal withdrawn until informal arrangement tested.
Show of hands for information only: 24 For, 17 Against. Also 32
people were in favour of trying a 7.15pm start
Add marshalling to the London Marathon Club Draw qualifying events. This should encourage more marshals and widen the pool for the marathon draw.
Proposed by: James Joyce, Seconded by: John Wilson
Proposal Accepted (For 39, Against 0)
That the rule requiring that an entry submitted by a Club member
to run in the Northbrook 10k race either be accompanied by a name
of a marshal or helper, or show evidence of the Club member having
marshalled at another Club race be re-considered with a view to
it being rescinded. This rule was introduced following a vote
in favour at the Club’s AGM in 2010. In practice, it has
proven to be largely ineffective, has led to some ill-feeling
amongst some Club members, and has possibly turned out to be counter-productive.
It has also proven burdensome to police and to enforce.
In its place, it is recommended that there exists a clear understanding among
the membership that Club members have an unwritten obligation to support this
major Club event in the knowledge that if an insufficient number of adult helpers
commits to being available on race day that the event will not go ahead.
Proposed by: Roger Ladbury, Seconded by: Tony French
Proposal Accepted (For 40, Against 2)
1. That the Club’s constitution be thoroughly revised
and re-written based on the UK Athletics Sample Club Constitution,
amended as appropriate, supported by a set of Club Rules,
2. A
draft Constitution and Club Rules then be made available to Club
members by 31 August 2012 for consultation, with an invitation
for comments to be submitted to the Committee by 30 November 2012,
3. A resulting proposed new Constitution and Set of Rules be considered
for adoption at the Club’s Annual General Meeting to be
held in 2013.
A similar proposal was approved by the Club’s
Annual General Meeting held on 24 January 2006 (see item 8d of
the minutes “The committee will form a sub-committee to
look at Constitution and advise other changes required at next
AGM”), but was never actioned. The Club Constitution should
document those aspects of the Club that change very rarely if
at all, eg Club Name, Objects, Election of Officers, Powers of
the Committee, etc. Periodically changing information such as
membership fees, road race categories, etc should be contained
in Set of Rules.
Proposed by: Roger Ladbury, Seconded by: Tony French
Proposal Accepted (For 40, Against 0)
Non committee