held on 14th January 2013

Present: B. Awcock (President), B. Adams (Chairman), P. Stead (Treasurer), M. Baker (Secretary)
J. Wilson (Men's Captain), C. O'Connor (Social Secretary), A. Houston (Membership Secretary)

In attendance: A. French (Guest)

  1. Apologies – Alix Critchley (Ladies' Captain). Mark Baker apologised for non-attendance at most recent meetings due to work commitments.
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – none
  3. Treasurer's Report – Paul Stead circulated details. A proposal to increase all subscriptions by £5, due to England Athletics fee increases, will be put to AGM. A wider range of signatories may be needed for the club accounts – we need to know if online accounts support this.
  4. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website. Amanda Deavy was 2nd masters lady in the Warwickshire XC Champs at Leamington, and has been selected for the Inter-Counties XC Champs at Cofton Park on 9/3/2013. The mens XC team are in a promotion place in division 3 of the Birmingham League with one race to go. Thanks to Tony Mackness for organising the Xmas Cracker run and mince pies. Thanks to Corinna O’Connor for organising the Xmas Training Night run and post run activities.
  5. Social Secretary Report – The Awards Party on 26/1/2013 is at Jaguar. Corinna O’Connor has booked a DJ and ordered food. Tickets are £12.50. There is a red/white/blue ‘sporting heroes of 2012’ theme. Bob Awcock has trophies from last year’s winners. Thanks to Corinna for organising the Xmas meal, the post Bedford half marathon meal and the Park Run batches.
  6. Coundon Park XC fixture – Tony French updated the committee with plans and preparations for the final division 3 Birmingham League race on 9/2/2013. Marshals are needed on the day. Thank you to Tony for all his work.
  7. Runner of the Month – December 2012. Tony Forde (excellent half marathon PB at Bedford).
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. AGM date – this is booked at Jaguar for Wed 23/1/2013 after training. Proposals are being circulated to members.
    2. Constitution – Roger Ladbury is reviewing the details and has received some committee feedback. Roger will discuss the results soon.
    3. Voted Awards – Mark Baker has circulated voting slips for Clubperson of the Year and Most Improved Runner with. a suggested shortlist, but voting is not restricted to this.
    4. Kit Keeper – Someone is needed to look after kit and supply it to members.
    5. Membership Details – Andy Houston will circulate details to the committee.
    6. Road Race Champs – Paul Stead supplied details of the final results.
    7. Foodbank – Corinna O’Connor thanked members for their recent donations.
  9. Next Meeting – AGM 23 January 2013, 8.30pm, at Jaguar Sports & Social Club, Browns Lane.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker