held on 14th October 2013

Present: R. Adams (Chairman), C.O’Connor (Social Sec), M.Dalton (Members Sec),
J. Wilson (Men's Capt.)
In attendance : R.Ladbury (Web Administrator), A. French (Guest)

  1. Apologies – M. Baker (Secretary), Amanda Deavy (Treasurer), L. McDonald (Ladies’ Capt)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting –
    1. We need to let the Birmingham XC league know the venue of our race next season.
      Tony French presented suggestions for possible courses on Coundon Wedge. Land is owned by Local Authority and rented to a farmer who in principle is amenable to it being used for the event.
      Amanda Deavy to speak to Three Spires School about use of their facilities, including changing facilities. Coundon Court School not available.
      Much discussion ensued re Coundon Wedge as it would be the preferred choice. If not possible/practicable then revised course on Coundon Hall Park, with finish moved closer to school, would be alternative.
      Chairman congratulated Tony on a job very well done. Tony asked if someone else would like to take on XC venue organisation for the Club.
  3. 10k Race - Tony French confirmed date for 2014 event as 13 July 2014. Problems with radio coverage have to be addressed, and some expenditure may be required on an extension aerial, and on some replacement batteries for mobile handsets.
    Tony will email Club membership asking for suggestion re sponsors.
    Tony's suggestion of Zoe' Place as nominated charity for 2014 was accepted by Committee.
  4. WRRL - Tony informed the Committee that the WRRL AGM is on Monday 11 November, and that it would be good for two (at least one) Club member(s) to attend as the Northbrook 10k has been proposed as a WRRL event for 2014.
  5. Allesley Festival AGM - Tony informed the meeting the Allesley Festival meeting is also on Monday 11 November and that the Club should be represented. Bob Adams agreed to attend if no other commitment.
    Tony French left the meeting at this point.
  6. Treasurer's Report – Amanda Deavy had provided summary of balance sheet. It was noted that invoice for 10k road closure was still awaited. There was a discussion about the whereabouts of items of kit that were included in the stock figure, and how it was intended that older kit be sold off.
  7. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website. Several runners took part in the Kenilworth Half Marathon and gained PB's. Tony Bowe ran four marathons in a month. Liz Pharoah recorded a good time in  South Cheshire 20M. There was a good turnout for the Midland Road Relays and at the Rugby 10.
  8. Membership - Mark Dalton informed the meeting that two new members had joined in the last month. Availability of "try before you buy" scheme to be better publicised.
  9. Social Secretary Report – Bowling Night did not go ahead as not enough interest.
    Future Events are:
    1. Quiz Night at the Jag Club - Friday 29 November.
    2. Christmas event – Booked for Friday 20 December at Blue in Spon Street. Christmas buffet, cost £18 per person.
    3. Awards Presentation Night – date changed to 18 January 2014 as previous date not available, Venue Jag Club Function Room. Theme to be decided.
    4. AGM - Wednesday 22 January 2014.
  10. Jaguar Club Fees – A meeting has taken place with the Manager of Jaguar Sports Club about fees for 2013/2014. All members who use the Jaguar club for car parking, changing, showers and bar are required to take out appropriate membership. Mark Dalton will correspond with Paula Griffiths (Club Manager) about those members who have joined/renewed, and will email membership with a reminder of need to join.
    Mark Dalton has requested mop & bucket be provided in changing rooms, and has also pointed out poor condition of shower heads.
  11. Runner of Month September: Claudie Combelas - consistently good recent results.
  12. Any Other Business –
    1. London Marathon Club Places 2014 – draw for three places to be held on Wednesday 23 October, Nine members with rejection letters have so far applied.
    2. Thank you letters are being sent to 2013 Northbrook 10k sponsors with invite to 2014 Awards Night.
    3. Thunder Run - Last weekend in July 2014. Entries open 15 October. Suggested entering two teams of 5 and two teams of 8 paid for by Club. Bob Adams to mention at Club night on 16 October and gauge interest.
    4. Kit for Christmas - Hoodies, etc. need to be ordered in time for Christmas delivery.
    5. Suggestion to mention Food Bank on website.
    6. First Aid - John Wilson will attend a free First Aid course. Corinna O'Connor will attend a First Aid course provided by her employer. It was suggested that all Wednesday night Group Leaders should have basic First Aid training.
  13. Next Meeting – Monday 4 November 2013 at 8pm at Mark Dalton's residence.

Minutes prepared by Roger Ladbury