held on 23rd January 2013, 8.30pm at Jaguar Sports and Social Club, Browns Lane, Coventry

  1. Present: 35 members.
  2. Apologies – Paul Stead, Roger Ladbury
  3. Matters From Last Meeting – Last year’s minutes accepted (Proposed: Tony French, Seconded: Corinna O'Connor).

Proposal from 2012 AGM - To revise the Club's Constitution and establish a set of Club Rules - Proposal accepted (40 For, 0 Against).

Details of Original Proposal

  1. That the Club’s constitution be thoroughly revised and re-written based on the UK Athletics Sample Club Constitution, amended as appropriate, supported by a set of Club Rules,
  2. A draft Constitution and Club Rules then be made available to Club members by 31 August 2012 for consultation, with an invitation for comments to be submitted to the Committee by 30 November 2012,
  3. A resulting proposed new Constitution and Set of Rules be considered for adoption at the Club’s Annual General Meeting to be held in 2013.

    A similar proposal was approved by the Club’s Annual General Meeting held on 24 January 2006 (see item 8d of the minutes “The committee will form a sub-committee to look at Constitution and advise other changes required at next AGM”), but was never actioned. The Club Constitution should document those aspects of the Club that change very rarely if at all, eg Club Name, Objects, Election of Officers, Powers of the Committee, etc. Periodically changing information such as membership fees, road race categories, etc should be contained in Set of Rules. Proposed by: Roger Ladbury, Seconded by: Tony French.

    Further Update - details sent to meeting by Roger Ladbury
    - A draft new constitution and rules was circulated to a working group (Bob Adams, Bob Awcock, Mark Baker & Tony French) at the end of August 2012. I must particularly thank Tony French for his time and his thoughtful comments and suggestions. As a result a 2nd draft was produced and circulated to the working group in November. Some more observations and suggestions were received at the end of December and are now being incorporated into a 3rd draft. It is suggested that this 3rd draft be circulated to the new club committee for discussion at their first, or more likely second, meeting of this year, following which a final draft be circulated to the full membership for comment. After collating the comments from the membership, the new draft constitution then be put either: to the AGM in 2014, or to an Extraordinary General Meeting, as the membership considers appropriate.
  4. Chairman’s Report –Bob Adams – “It’s been another eventful year for Northbrook A.C. One of the most pleasing things that has happened is the continued interest in the cross country season. We’ve seen some super performances from the ladies with Amanda Deavy coming 6th in the Warwickshire Cross Country Championships. The ladies team also came 1st in the Warwick University Cross Country relays. The mens team has also performed well in division 3 of the Birmingham League. We are currently lying in 3rd place overall, bidding for promotion, with one race to go. We are hosting the final race at Coundon Park on the 9th February, and need as many people as possible to help on the day and support our runners. In the Warwickshire Road Race League, the ladies team came 2nd, and were also 2nd in the veterans category.  The senior men were 7th and the mens veterans were 4th. Northbrook were well represented in the individual categories. A large team also competed in the Thunder Run 24 hour relay, finishing 3rd in the mixed team of 5 category, and we also took part in the Cotswold Hilly 100 relay. The leaders of the 4 Wednesday night training groups continue to do a tremendous job.  Corinna has even got me running with level 3. The success of these sessions has resulted in many personal best results last year. The Northbrook 10Km race is another fantastic event.  I would like to express my gratitude for the hard work of the sub-committee. In my opinion the Northbrook 10Km continues to be the best organised race in the area. On the social side, Corinna has done a super job organising some great nights out, including the forthcoming Awards Night. Roger Ladbury continues to do a great job with the website which is a great asset to the club. I’d like to thank all of the committee who have given me tremendous support this year, and all the people who have given up their time for the club in the last 12 months. Tonight is your opportunity to have your say. I look forward to a constructive meeting”.
  5. Treasurers Report – Paul Stead sent a report. The committee recommended that subscription fees are raised by £5, as England Athletics will be doubling their fees per member from £5 to £10, after flat fees. Second Claim fees are not increasing as we do not pay England athletics a fee. This compares well with other clubs.
    Accepted (For 32, Against 0) – Fees are now due.
    Renewals £25, Concessions £17, New Members £33 (includes vest), Second Claim £12.
  6. Proposals Received –
    1. Proposal - Wednesday night training start times

      Move the start time to 7.15pm when clocks change in October until the clocks change in March, to take advantage of more light in the Spring and Autumn. Proposed by: John Wilson, Seconded by: James Joyce. Proposal withdrawn after show of hands, so that nobody is excluded if they cannot arrive earlier.

  7. Election of Officers -
    1. President - Bob Awcock
    2. Chairperson - Bob Adams
    3. Secretary - Mark Baker
    4. Treasurer - Amanda Deavy (new)
    5. Mens Captain - John Wilson
    6. Ladies Captain - Lyn McDonald (new)
    7. Membership Secretary - Mark Dalton (new)
    8. Social Secretary - Corinna O'Connor
    9. Running Advisor - vacant

    Non committee

    1. Summer Handicap - Richard French
    2. Website - Roger Ladbury
    3. Kit Person - vacancy for new role
    4. 10km race - Tony French, Roger Ladbury, Kevin Coughlan, Tony Mackness, John Ralph, Sean Flanaghan
  8. Awards for 2012
    1. Mens Road Race (overall) - James Joyce
    2. Ladies Road Race (overall) - Amanda Deavy
    3. Senior Mens Road Race - John Wilson
    4. Senior Ladies Road Race - Gemma Nash
    5. O/40 Mens Road Race - Mark Baker
    6. O/35 Ladies Road Race - Lyn McDonald
    7. O/50 Mens Road Race - Peter Fellows
    8. O/45 Ladies Road Race - Sarah McNaney
    9. Veteran of the Year - Peter Kirkhope
    10. Mens Summer Handicap - Paul Robbins
    11. Ladies Summer Handicap - Corinna O'Connor
    12. Paul Kelly Trophy - Chris Jones & Tony Hughes
    13. Clubperson of the Year - Corinna O'Connor
    14. Most Improved Runner - Lyn McDonald
    15. Animal of the Year - Tony Bowe
  9. Any other business:
    1. Marshalling – Please can members help at the cross country and 10Km events.
    2. Health & Safety – Each member needs to assess their safety when deciding whether to run on icy winter nights.
    3. Race Results – Please can members forward any race results and reports to the website (
  10. Meeting closed at 9.15pm

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker