held on 7th April 2014


R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)
C. O’Connor (Social Secretary)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Web Administrator)

  1. Apologies – A. Mackness (Treasurer), J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – None
  3. Treasurers Report – Tony sent copies of the accounts. 137 members have joined or renewed subscriptions, and online payments were used for a large number of these payments. Coundon XC receipts are needed, to claim back race expenses from the league.
  4. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website, including Coventry and Silverstone Half Marathons, some 20 mile races and shorter races. Many runners took part in the road relays at Sutton Park. The Cotswold Hilly 100 will have 4 Northbrook teams.
  5. Social Secretary Report – Thanks to Corinna O’Connor for organising a theatre visit and drinks night. There will be a supporters visit to the London Marathon. The post marathon meal will be on 2nd May at a venue to be arranged.
  6. 10k Race - Bernard Blundell has joined the sub-committee. Other helpers on the day are Tony Williams, Jack Langman and Clive Horton. Tony French was well enough to attend a recent 10Km meeting. Several sponsors have already agreed to support the event this year. Runners World has opened online entries and there are 43 entries so far. Race publicity is needed.
  7. Runner of Month February: March 2014: Paul Robbins (PBs in half marathon and 5 miles).
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. Training – Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). The Wednesday training groups are successful, especially due to John Wilson attending different levels to pass on his coaching tips.
    2. Summer Handicap – The first race was on 2/4/2014 and had 75 runners. Thanks to Richard French for the handicapping, and all the timekeepers for their help. The committee discussed possible future clashes with Warwickshire road race league fixtures, but decided to keep the handicaps as the first Wednesday of the month.
    3. Park Run Focus – This will be on 24th May.
    4. Race the Train – from Hampton-in-Arden to Tile Hill on Wednesday 18th June.
    5. Good, Bad & Ugly relay – teams of 3 x 3.2Km from top of Browns Lane on Wednesday 23rd July.
    6. Club Photograph – Wear club vests before training on Wednesday 25th June.
    7. Facebook Northbrook page – Corinna O’Connor is monitoring messages.
    8. Jaguar Mens Showers – will be unavailable for a few weeks due to a football tournament, so leisure centre showers should be used.
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 19th May 2014 at 8pm at (provisionally) John Wilson's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker