held on 19th May 2014


R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)

  1. Apologies – J. Wilson (Men's Captain), A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain), C. O'Connor (Social Sec), R. Ladbury
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – None
  3. Treasurers Report –Tony sent copies of the accounts. 143 members have joined or renewed subscriptions, and online payments were used for a large number of these payments. Tony suggested sending a questionnaire to members who have not renewed, to find out the reasons for non-renewal. The payment to England Athletics must be made soon. Coundon XC receipts are needed, to claim back race expenses from the league.
  4. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website, including many excellent marathon results. The Cotswold Hilly 100 featured 4 Northbrook teams, and we won the 2nd mixed team prize.
  5. Social Secretary Report – Thanks to Corinna O’Connor for organising the post marathon meal will to Aqua, a Lebanese restaurant. We have been invited to the Sphinx quiz at Copsewood Sports Club on Friday 6th June.
  6. 10k Race -Several sponsors have already agreed to support the event this year. There are 120 entries so far. Race publicity is needed including photos for magazine or radio chat. Less printed entry forms are required, as more people are entering online. Members can distribute information letters to local residents on 25th June (club photo night).
  7. Runner of Month February: April 2014: Liz Pharoah (PB in marathon and London qualifying time).
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. Training – Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). The Wednesday training groups are successful, especially due to John Wilson attending different levels to pass on his coaching tips.
    2. Summer Handicap – The second race was on 7th May and had 66 runners. Thanks to Richard French for the handicapping, and all the timekeepers for their help. The committee discussed a future clash with the Ryton 5 miles, a Warwickshire road race league fixture, so the July handicap will move to Wednesday 9th July.
    3. Park Run Focus – This was cancelled, and will be re-arranged.
    4. Race the Train – from Hampton-in-Arden to Tile Hill on Wednesday 18th June.
    5. Good, Bad & Ugly relay – teams of 3 x 3.2Km from top of Browns Lane on Wed 23rd July.
    6. Club Photograph – Wear club vests before training on Wednesday 25th June.
    7. Coventry Triathlon – have asked to borrow some of our race equipment.
    8. Birmingham XC League Division 3 – We have paid our affiliation fees. Fixtures are 8th Nov 2014 - Leamington, 6th Dec 2014 - TBA, 10th Jan 2015 - Droitwich, 7th Feb 2015 – Sphinx
    9. Ladies Midland XC – Fixtures (same dates) are Leamington, TBA, Droitwich, Wolverhampton & Bilston.
    10. Mens Captain Attendance – John Wilson has said that he is unable to attend many committee meetings this year due to work commitments. However, he will continue his role as men's captain. The committee agreed that John can pass information to any committee member before meetings, so that it gets discussed.
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 23rd June 2014 at 8pm at (provisionally) Mark Dalton's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker