held on 21st July 2014


R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Web Administrator)

  1. Apologies – J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – None
  3. Treasurers Report – Tony Mackness updated copies of the accounts. The balance is very healthy at the moment. John Wilson asked if the treasurer could get a club debit card to pay for entries to races such as the Sutton Park relays. Tony Mackness will arrange this in the next few weeks.
  4. Membership - 151 members have joined or renewed subscriptions, and online payments were used for a large number of these payments. Mark suggested sending a questionnaire to members who have not renewed, to find out the reasons for non-renewal. The large payment to England Athletics has been made.  There was a query from England Athletics about Will Kirk-Wilson who has had his fee paid by Leamington? John Wilson sent evidence of his registration to Mark Dalton. There have been resignation requests from Lee Hill and Clare Weston.
  5. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website, including Warks Road Race League results. We were invited to the Sphinx 30th anniversary 4 x 1 mile relays, and finished 1st and 2nd mixed teams. Dave  Almond won the Coombe Abbey Trail Marathon.
  6. Social Secretary Report –There will be a picnic at the Memorial Park on Sunday 10th August, with fun events such as rounders. There will be a Park Run focus on 27th September..
  7. 10k Race - There was a record entry of nearly 600 runners with 523 finishers. There were also 75 fun run entries. Many thanks to the 10Km sub-committee and all the marshals and helpers. There has been some excellent feedback from runners and officials. Tony French was praised for his ‘gold standard’ race manual, which could be used as a template for other events. The results were delivered smoothly. The large field (100 runners entered on the day) meant that some t-shirts were not available to all finishers, but they will be sent to them later. Tony Mackness is reviewing the income, and will discuss charity payments with the sub-committee. Finally, Richard Hands did a great job dressed as ‘the bear’ entertaining all the fun runners.
  8. Runner of Month February: June 2014: Sarah McNaney (many PB’s during the month)..
  9. Any Other Business –
    1. Training –Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). The Wednesday training groups are successful, especially due to John Wilson attending different levels to pass on his coaching tips. There was also a training session with all groups at Coundon Park recently. The coaches could meet soon to review training options available. Recognised training schedules should be on the website, which takes precedence over other advertised sessions e.g. Facebook.
    2. Summer Handicap – The fourth race was on 9th July, postponed for a week to avoid the Ryton 5 mile race. Thanks to Richard French for the handicapping, and all the timekeepers for their help. The next race is on 6th August.
    3. Good, Bad & Ugly – teams of 3 x 3.2 miles from top of Browns Lane on Wed 23rd July.
    4. Kit – Chris Jones has resigned as kit keeper. Thanks for his help this year. John Wilson has contacted alternative kit suppliers to compare costs. We should also investigate costs from ‘Coventry Runner’ shop.
    5. Club Photograph – There was a good turnout on Wednesday 25th June.
    6. Birmingham XC League Division 3 – We have paid our affiliation fees. Fixtures are 8th Nov 2014 - Leamington, 6th Dec 2014 - TBA, 10th Jan 2015 - Droitwich, 7th Feb 2015 – Sphinx
    7. Ladies Midland XC – Fixtures (same dates) are Leamington, TBA, Droitwich, Wolverhampton & Bilston.
    8. London Marathon 2015 – Club entries not available until at least the end of August. .
  10. Next Meeting – Monday 1st September 2014, 8pm at Corinna O'Connor's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker