held on 22 September 2014


R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)

In attendance:

T. Morgan (Guest)

  1. Apologies – A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain), R. Ladbury
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – None
  3. Treasurers Report – Tony Mackness updated copies of the accounts. The balance is very healthy at the moment. Tony has started using a club debit card to pay for race entries and other expenses.
  4. Membership - 153 members have joined or renewed subscriptions. Mark Dalton suggested membership fees for next year, which will be proposed at the AGM.
  5. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website, including Warks Road Race League results. There were good turnouts at the Kenilworth half marathon and the Sutton Park relays. The Rugby 10 mile race is followed by the XC relays at Walsall soon.
  6. Social Secretary Report – There will be a Park Run focus on Saturday 27th September. There will be a curry night on Friday 26th September. There will be a quiz night soon. Corinna will try to book rooms at the Jaguar for the Awards Night and AGM in January 2015.
  7. Kit – Mark Dalton has ordered 70 new club vests. Tracy Morgan offered to help with kit, and produced some designs and costs of available kit. Thanks to Tracy for her work. The committee asked Tracy to take orders for TRB10 track pants, SIJ03 Jackets and Northbrook buffs. Costs were discussed, and soon the website will allow members to view available kit and place orders to Tracy, with up front payment. T-shirts and shorts may be available later.
  8. Any Other Business –
    1. Training – Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). The Wednesday training groups are successful, especially due to John Wilson attending different levels, and combining levels, to pass on his coaching tips. The coaches met recently to review training.
    2. Jaguar Fees – these are due from October at the same price as last year.
    3. Summer Handicap – The final race was on 3rd September. Thanks to Richard French for the handicapping, and all the timekeepers for their help.
    4. Birmingham XC League Division 3 – We have paid our fees. Fixtures are 8th Nov 2014 - Leamington, 6th Dec 2014 - Aldridge, 10th Jan 2015 - Droitwich, 7th Feb 2015 – Sphinx
    5. Ladies Midland XC – Fixtures (same dates) are Leamington, TBA, Droitwich, Wolverhampton & Bilston.
    6. London Marathon 2015 – Club entries not available until at least the end of October. .
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 3rd November 2014 at 8pm at Bob Adams' residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker