held on 8 December 2014



R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)
J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Guest)
L. Pharoah (Guest)

  1. Apologies – none
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – London Marathon 2015 – Club draw winners were Damian Pharoah, Linda Richards, Spencer Davies. Reserve was Tommy Dempsey
  3. Treasurers Report –Tony Mackness updated copies of the accounts.
  4. Membership - 153 members have joined or renewed subscriptions.
  5. Risk Assessment – Liz Pharoah asked if we could collect ‘next of kin’ information. High visibility clothing should be encouraged for training in the dark.
  6. Training – Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). Details of training are on the club website. Liz Pharoah reported that some training groups are getting very large, and it is difficult to run together. The club will try and split up the groups evenly before the running starts.
  7. Committee and Coaching – John Wilson circulated details of new plans for roles at the club, as there is currently a lot of work for existing roles. Full details will be discussed before the AGM, but John suggested roles for Coach Planner, Mens Team Manager, Ladies Team Manager, Welfare Officer. Also maybe split roles for road and cross country.
  8. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website.
  9. The Mens and Ladies XC league races were at Leamington on 8/11/2014 (men 2nd in Div 3), and the second mens race was at Aldridge on 6/12/2014 (men 5th, and 4th overall). The second ladies race on 6/12/2014 was at Northampton.
  10. Social Secretary Report – There will now be a Park Run focus on Saturday 27/12/2014. There is a Christmas run on Wednesday 17/12/2014, and a Christmas meal at Fargo on 19/12/2014. Corinna O’Connor has booked rooms at the Jaguar for the Awards Night for 24/1/2015; there is an optional theme for things beginning with ‘N’. Tickets are £15. There is a quiz on 20/2/2015.
  11. Kit – Mark Dalton has ordered new club vests. Tracy Morgan is trying to place a minimum order for some kit.  A few samples are available. Some old stock now appears on the club website, and 17 items were sold.
  12. Runner of the Month - November winner – Julie Cozens (improved times in XC and road races).
  13. Any Other Business –
    1. AGM – 28/1/2015 - Proposal and nomination reminders will be sent out soon .
    2. Warks Road Race League – Amanda Deavy attended presentation on 10/11/2014
    3. Christmas Cracker run – Tony Mackness - Sunday 21/12/2014 at Memorial Park.
    4. Myton Hospice – the charity have asked if we can help new fundraising runners to train for the Coventry half marathon. John Wilson is meeting with runners on Sunday mornings.
  14. Next Meeting – Monday 5th January 2015 at 8pm at John Wilson's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker