held on 22nd January 2014, 8.30pm at Jaguar Sports and Social Club, Browns Lane, Coventry

  1. Present: 35 members.
  2. Apologies – Clare Weir, Pete Austin, Rob Barry, Paul Stead, Roger Ladbury, Steve Turvey, Linda Richards, Alix Almond, Amy Burdis, Amanda Deavy, Tony French.
  3. Matters From Last Meeting – Last year’s minutes accepted (Proposed: Corinna O'Connor, Seconded: Clive Horton).
  4. Constitution Review - Thanks to Roger Ladbury for updating the Constitution, and Tony French and the committee for their feedback. Some areas that were updated include the President role, the Secretary role, attendance at meetings, removing repetition of information, coaching rules and accounts.
    The new constitution and rules were accepted - Proposed by: Bob Adams, Seconded by: Mark Baker.
    The new Constitution and Club Rules are to posted on the Club website.
  5. Chairman’s Report – Bob Adams – “As ever, it’s been another eventful year for Northbrook A.C. On the cross-country front, there was an exciting conclusion to the season last February, when with the benefit of home advantage at Coundon Park, Northbrook finished second on the day, to secure promotion to division 2 in the Birmingham Cross Country League. Things have been a bit tougher this current season as a combination of the increased standard of running, and the absence of some of our top runners, meaning that we are facing a battle to avoid relegation when we host the final fixture in a few weeks time. However, hope springs eternal, and I am sure that you will all agree that John Wilson has done a great job in encouraging members to run in these fixtures. It was also encouraging to see a consistent number of ladies running in the Midlands Cross Country League. Lyn McDonald did a great job with the ladies team. A highlight occurred a few weeks ago at the Warwickshire County Championships, when Amanda Deavy qualified to run for Warwickshire in the Inter-Counties Cross Country. Club members also competed with distinction in the Warwickshire Road Race League. The men's and ladies' teams both finished 5th overall in the series, and we also saw the following individual successes; 1st Vet Lady was Amanda Deavy, 1st V55 was Pete Fellows, 3rd V55 was Anne Hughes. The two Northbrook teams had an interesting time at the Thunder Run relay, with the race starting in heatwave conditions. The heavens then opened during the night which almost turned the course into a cross country race. Despite one of our runners going walk-about during the night, the 5-person team still came an excellent 5th place out of 71 teams. It was great to see us fielding three complete teams in the Cotswolds Hilly 100 relay, and hopefully we will be able to do the same in this year’s event. There’s no doubt that the Wednesday night speed work sessions are having a positive effect on our members results, and I’d like to thank all of the group leaders who continue to do a great job. I’d like to highlight the Summer Handicap competition, in which we saw a record number of athletes running. Amongst these numbers there were always a few of our friends from Sphinx A.C. and I hope you agree that this all adds to the enjoyment of the event, and helped to cement the friendly rivalry we have with them. A special mention to Richard French, who continues to keep the timekeepers on their toes with excellent handicapping. On the organisational front, the Northbrook 10Km continues to be a terrific race that we should all be proud of, and I am sure we all appreciate the tremendous efforts of Tony French and the rest of the 10Km sub-committee. We are hosting a cross country race at Coundon Park on 8th February 2014, and due to ill health we are going to have to cope without Tony French. However, I am sure that we will all pull together and make it a successful day. On the social front Corinna O’Connor continues to be a terrific organiser, and only a few days ago we had a great night out at the Awards event. I’d like to thank all of the committee who have given up their spare time to help Northbrook be the club that it is, and they have certainly helped to make my life a bit easier. Finally, I’d like to comment on the fact that we are continuing to attract new members, and great credit for this must go to our Membership Secretary, Mark Dalton. You only have to miss a couple of Wednesdays, and there are suddenly half a dozen people there who you don’t know. Tonight is your opportunity to have your say about the operation of your club, so please feel free to contribute to the discussion. I look forward to an orderly and constructive meeting ”.
  6. Treasurers Report – Amanda Deavy sent a report. The committee recommended that subscription fees remain the same, except for new members and rejoining members fees which increase by £2 to cover costs of vest price increases. Note that for second claim fees, we do not pay England Athletics a £5 fee. This compares well with other clubs.
    Accepted (For 30, Against 0) – Fees are now due.
    Full Rate: £25, Concessions: £17, Second Claim £17.
    New and Rejoining Members:
    Full Rate: £35, Concessions £23, Second Claim: £23 (all include vest).
  7. Proposals Received –
    1. Proposal – Introduce a Cross Country Award
      The award would be presented to the club member who has the lowest points total across all four Birmingham & District Invitation Cross Country League or Midlands Women's Cross Country League fixtures. There would be separate awards for men and for women.
      In the event of a tie the lowest total time would be used to decide the winner.
      If no one completes all four races, the member with the lowest points total from three races would be the winner.
      Runners up awards would be presented to those who came second and third.
      If agreed the award would be first presented at the end of the 2014-15 season, or at the awards night in January 2016.

      Proposed by: Clare Weir, Seconded by: Sarah McNaney.

      Proposal Accepted, but award will start with the 2013-2014 season. (For 31, Against 0).

    2. Proposal – Committee Cross Country Award
      The award to be presented to the club member who the committee decides has been most worthy of the award during the cross country season. There would be separate awards for men and for women.

      Proposed by: Chris Jones, Seconded by: Clive Horton.

      Proposal Accepted, but award will start with the 2013-2014 season. (For 29, Against 0).

    3. Proposal – Summer Handicap Results
      That the number of counting rounds for the handicap series be reduced from 5 to 4. It is very easy to miss 2 of the races in the series so it would keep more people involved in the series if only 4 races were needed.

      Proposed by: Jonathan Seed, Seconded by: Tom Miller

      Poposal defeated, (For 5, Against 25)

  8. Election of Officers -
    • President - Bob Awcock
    • Chairperson - Bob Adams
    • Secretary - Mark Baker
    • Treasurer - Tony Mackness (new)
    • Mens Captain - John Wilson
    • Ladies Captain - Amanda Deavy (new)
    • Membership Secretary - Mark Dalton
    • Social Secretary - Corinna O'Connor

    Non committee

    • Summer Handicap - Richard French
    • Website - Roger Ladbury
    • Kit Person - Chris Jones
    • 10km race - Tony French, Roger Ladbury, Tony Mackness, Mark Dalton, Kevin Coughlan, John Ralph, Sean Flanaghan
  9. Awards for 2013
    • Mens Road Race (overall) - Martin Winch
    • Ladies Road Race (overall) - Amanda Deavy
    • Senior Mens Road Race - Steve Turvey
    • Senior Ladies Road Race - Liz Pharoah
    • O/40 Mens Road Race - John Wilson
    • O/35 Ladies Road Race - Lyn McDonald
    • O/50 Mens Road Race - Peter Fellows
    • O/45 Ladies Road Race - Sarah McNaney
    • Veteran of the Year - Sarah McNaney
    • Mens Summer Handicap - Aaron Dreelan
    • Ladies Summer Handicap - Amy Burdis
    • Paul Kelly Trophy - Spencer Davies
    • Clubperson of the Year - Corinna O'Connor
    • Most Improved Runner - Spencer Davies
  10. Any other business:
    1. Race Results – Please can members forward any race results and reports to the website (
    2. Club Auditor – Tom Miller agreed to take on this role (seconded by John Wilson).
    3. Club Photo – An official club photo needs to be arranged.
    4. Kit – A suggestion for purchasing green hoodies was made, so that we will be easily recognisable at events.
  11. Meeting closed at 9.26pm

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker