held on 5 January 2015



R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)
J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)

  1. Apologies – R. Ladbury (guest)
  2. Matters From Last Meeting – Thanks to Tony Mackness for organising the Christmas Cracker run which had a great turnout and raised £76 for Myton hospice.
  3. Treasurers Report –Tony Mackness updated copies of the accounts ready for the AGM.
  4. Training – Extra training continues with Clive Horton (Sundays) and Lyn McDonald (Mondays). Details of training are on the club website. Liz Pharoah reported that some training groups are getting very large, and it is difficult to run together. The club has started to split up the groups evenly before the training.
  5. Committee and Coaching – John Wilson circulated details of new plans for roles at the club, as there is currently a lot of work for existing roles. Full details of roles have been circulated and nominations are requested for new and existing roles.
  6. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website.
  7. The Mens and Ladies XC championship race was at Cofton Park, Birmingham on 3/1/2015. Amanda Deavy was selected for the Inter-Counties XC race. Runners will resume the league XC soon at Droitwich. Entries have been completed for the midland and National XC races.
  8. Social Secretary Report – The Christmas mas meal at Fargo was a great success. Corinna O’Connor has booked rooms at the Jaguar for the Awards Night for 24/1/2015; there is an optional theme for things beginning with ‘N’. Tickets are £15 and are now on sale. There is a quiz on 20/2/2015 at Jaguar.
  9. Kit – Mark Dalton has ordered new club vests. Some high-visibility vest samples are also being sent to us. Stock now appears on the club website.
  10. Runner of the Month - December winner – Jonathan Seed (PB at Sneyd 10 mile race and ‘A’ team counter in XC League).
  11. Any Other Business –
    1. AGM – 28/1/2015 - Proposal and nomination reminders have been sent out. Training will start earlier at 7pm that night.
    2. Myton Hospice – We are helping new fundraising runners to train for the Coventry half marathon on Sunday mornings.
    3. Club of the Year - Mark Baker has sent an application for Northbrook to be considered as Coventry Half Marathon club of the year.
    4. Pre-Training – Amanda Deavy said that optional drills will precede training on Wednesdays at 7pm but will finish before the speech notices.
    5. XC Handicap – It was suggested that club race could be re-introduced at Lakeview Park.
  12. Next Meeting – Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 28 January 8.30pm at the Jaguar Sports & Social Club.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker