held on 9 February 2015



R. Awcock (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
J. Wilson (Men's Captain)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Guest)
T. Miller (Guest)

  1. Apologies – A. Mackness (Treasurer), A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain)
  2. Welcome – to the returning committee.
  3. Matters From AGM – AGM minutes have been updated and are on the Club website.
  4. Treasurer's Report – Tony Mackness sent details of the accounts. Membership subs are now due. Next of kin section on forms must be completed.
  5. Committee and Coaching – John Wilson asked if several members could be funded for official coaching courses. There is a large club investment needed but it will help the club in future.
  6. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website. The ladies were first Coventry club in the Midland XC league. The men finished 4th at Wyken Croft XC, and 4th overall in the Birmingham XC league. There is a suggestion that the league may split men and ladies venues next season. There is a coach going to the National XC in London. Tony Bowe completed 100 marathons.
  7. Social Secretary Report – Thanks to Corinna O’Connor for organising the Awards Night. The awards need to be rearranged during presentations. There is a quiz on 20/2/2015 at Jaguar.
  8. Kit – Mark Dalton updated details on the club website. Vest sponsorship was discussed.
  9. Runner of the Month - January winners – Scott Shepherd (Warks XC great run), Sally Eason (ran all XC in January). There will be new voucher prizes next month..
  10. Any Other Business –
    1. Club of the Year - Northbrook has been selected as Coventry Half Marathon club of the year. We will have volunteers and pacers at the race.
    2. XC Handicap – It was suggested that club race could be re-introduced at Lakeview Park.
    3. 10Km race – Tom Miller will look for sponsorship and publicity.
    4. Running advisor role – to be removed in club rules.
    5. Equipment – buy cones and other equipment.
    6. Park Run – get volunteers at Parkrun focus.
    7. Open Day – suggested for new members .
  11. Next Meeting – Monday 16 March 8pm at Mark Dalton's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker