held on 20 July 2015



R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
J. Wilson (Men's Captain)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Guest)

  1. Apologies – R. Awcock (President), A. Deavy (Ladies' Captain).
  2. Treasurer's Report – Tony Mackness showed details of the accounts.
  3. Membership – We have 153 paid members. There are many club vests in stock.
  4. Social Secretary Report – We won the Sphinx quiz on 20th June. A Parkrun picnic may be organised this summer. There will be a curry night soon.
  5. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – Recent race results are on the website. Two club events were very popular – the Good, Bad & Ugly relay and Race the Train. Many runners attended the Sphinx 5 mile on 17th June. The Thunder Run 24 hour relay is soon. The Sutton Park relays are on 19th September.
  6. 10Km race – Once again this event was a great success. Many thanks to everyone on the 10Km sub-committee and everyone who helped on the day. Runners were complimentary about the race organisation. There were 548 entries this year.
  7. Runner of the Month – June winners – Men: Kevin Coughlan - many PB's. Ladies: Tara Lambert – debut marathon at Coombe Abbey.
  8. Any other business –
    1. Winter Handicap – John Wilson will consider a one-off event soon.
    2. London Marathon Club Places – there should be information in November.
    3. Publicity – we could have arranged more press publicity for some events, especially Amanda Deavy’s run in Cork.
    4. Results – please can all members send race results to
  9. Next Meeting – Monday 7th September Bob Adams' residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker