held on 11 April 2016




A. French (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
C. Rowntree (Ladies' Captain)
S. Davies (Men's Captain

  1. Apologies – A. Mackness (Treasurer)
  2. Matters Arising – Tony French attended the Birmingham League Mens XC AGM. Northbrook and Massey Ferguson won a joint bid to host the final division 2 fixture in Coundon next season (February 2017). The first fixture is no longer a combined race for all leagues. Further venues and dates to be announced. The affiliation fee of £125 is due by 30th April.
  3. Treasurer's Report – Tony Mackness sent details of the accounts. England Athletics affiliation is due.
  4. Awards Review – Bob Adams will order shields when he can. The first long service certificates have not been awarded yet.
  5. Social Secretary Report – Corinna is organising a post marathon meal on Friday 29th April at Shimla Spice. Thanks to the cake bakers at the first Summer handicap.
  6. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – There was a good turnout for men and ladies in the Midland Road relays at Sutton Park, with many new runners competing. Runners completed the Massey 5 mile race, and several 20 mile races in preparation for April marathons. The Manchester marathon was the first to be held this month. Northbrook has runners in Brighton, Antwerp, London and Stratford marathons this month. The Warks Road League starts soon, including a new race, the Monty 5Km in Leamington. The next big club event is the Cotswolds Hilly 100 on Sunday 15th May.
  7. 10Km race – The race is on 10th July 2016. The licence has been received. Entries are now being received. Publicity will include a press photo with Myton Hospice. We could get the race added to the ’Midlands ABC’ magazine.
  8. Runner of the Month – March 2016 winners – Men: Pete Fellows– won age category at Massey 5 miles race. Ladies: Claudie Combelas – many excellent long runs.
  9. Any other business –
    1. Spectators will be travelling to the London Marathon again.
    2. Summer handicap – the first race was well attended by over 70 runners. Thanks to the handicapper and all the helpers. We can look into getting a ‘click’ machine to record finishers who are very close together at the end of the event.
    3. Good Bad & Ugly relay – planned for Wednesday 22nd June
    4. Race the Train, Hampton-in Arden – planned for Wednesday 13th July
    5. Northbrook Track Event – date to be arranged
    6. Club vests – an order of 50 or 70 vests can be placed soon.
    7. Mark Baker sent 7 names to England Athletics to pre-order tickets for London 2017 World Champs. However, no reply or acknowledgement has been received.
  10. Next Meeting – Monday 9th May 2016 at 8pm at Mark Dalton's residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker