held on 14 November 2016




A. French (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
M. Dalton (Membership Secretary)
C. Rowntree (Ladies' Captain)
S. Davies (Men's Captain)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Guest)

  1. Apologies – C. O'Connor (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters Arising – none.
  3. Treasurer's Report – Tony Mackness presented details of the accounts.
  4. Social Secretary Report – The Presentation Night is booked at the Village Hotel near Hearsall Common for Saturday 28th January 2017. Tickets are £20. There will be a pre-Christmas meal or drink on Friday 16th December possibly near Earlsdon. There will be a fun pre-Christmas club night run.
  5. Mens/Ladies Captain's Report – The XC started well with the Midland XC relays. The Birmingham XC League and Midlands Ladies League began at Leamington on 12th November. The men were 11th in Division 2. Both men and Ladies race at Stratford on 3rd December. There was also success for teams at the Warwick University relays.
  6. 10Km race – Next years race is on Sunday 9th July 2017. Race start will be in Browns Lane. Sponsorship is coming in. Roger Ladbury stated that the 10Km sub-committee needed some extra help to continue the race in future, as there is a lot to organise. Sangeeta still plans to join the sub-committee. Talks with Jaguar about facilities are getting difficult.
  7. Club kit – Damian Pharoah has 71 club vests and is distributing t-shirts and skorts.
  8. Jaguar Club – A sub-group of the club are still continuing discussions with Jaguar about our membership role and access to facilities and the 10Km race. 56 members have paid Jaguar subs.
  9. Runner of the Month –October 2016 winners – Men: Damian Pharoah – PBs and kit organisation. Ladies: Corinna O’Connor – 3.25 marathon time PB
  10. Any other business –
    1. ChristXmas Cracker – Tony Mackness said event is on 18th December from Memorial Park.
    2. London Marathon Club Places – Jo Arden and Rachel Liggett were successful.
    3. Brighton Marathon Club Places – We have 4 places available.
    4. Park Run Cup – Oliver Jones has organised this challenge within the Park Runs.
    5. WRRL meeting – there is a new 10Km race at Royal Showground, and the Autumnal 5 has ended. Stuart Lumsden and Pete Fellows collected prizes.
    6. Ladies XC – one more timekeeper is needed.
    7. Coundon Park – We are co-hosting the mens league fixture in February 2017.
    8. XC Team – Spencer Davis suggested a team reward for everyone.
    9. Summer Handicap results – a spreadsheet error was corrected affecting some places.
    10. Hill Technique Training – Clive Horton and Neil McKinstrie have been organising this.
    11. AGM – a date and venue must be arranged.
    12. Club Trophies – need to be returned to Bob Adams
  11. Next Meeting – Monday 12th December 2016 at 8pm at Spencer Davies' residence.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker