12 Runs of Christmas

posted in: News, News Club Running Events | 0

Here’s a festive virtual event, again with a bit of a twist. We have put together 12 activities, and to attract a wide participation we are running a paced challenge and a social/fun challenge for each activity.

The paced challenge is to maintain the same pace over all 12 runs, whereas the fun challenges are more like social challenges. The challenges can only be completed as they are revealed, but once revealed can be completed in any order.

If pace is your thing and you want to do the paced challenge, then we challenge you to make every run you “post” to be the same pace, this will get progressively harder even though the distances may be different. Set yourself the challenge of matching your pace on each run.

For each of the social/fun challenges we will set a task to achieve that is linked (sometimes very tenuously) to the theme of the run. Complete the task and send in proof to get your inclusion for that task. Make the photos as festive as you can to show the club’s festive spirit.

You can mix and match the 12 runs as suits you.

The first activity has been revealed and started on 1 December. Each activity runs for 2 days before the next one is released. Subsequent challenges will follow at two-day intervals. The paced distance decreases stepwise to allow for the normal Christmas activities associated with home life.

You are expected to plan your own routes, to only run if you are well, to respect other road/pavement users and are recommended to run in at least pairs (after Wednesday, non club organised social runs revert back to the rule of 6).

All runs are to be submitted through Virtual Results upload form.
Photographic evidence can be posted on facebook, or let us know via the Contact Us page that you completed it.

Participation in this event will be rewarded with a small thank you gesture from the club.

Keep a track of everyone’s attempts on the event live report.


Activities are:

1 Northbrooker in a field

23-24 December

Run challenge is paced distance of is 1 mile

Fun challenge is to get a photo of yourself in full Northbrook kit.
Do not try to approach livestock, it’s their field not yours.


2 Turtle Doves
21-22nd December

Run challenge is paced distance of 2 miles

Fun challenge is dove related (dovecote at Allesley Park?). Could also be the the soap type.


3 French hens

19-20 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 3 miles

Fun challenge is wave to 3 fellow Northbrookers on doorstep visits


4 Calling Northbrookers

17-18 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 4 miles

Fun challenge is to find 4 telephone boxes or “call in” on a fellow Northbrooker to join you on your run


5 Gold Things

15-16 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 5 miles

Fun challenge is to visit 5 gold things. eg houses decorated with “gold things” or just use you imagination


6 Northbrookers a-laying

13-14 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 6 miles

Fun challenge is get a picture of a Christmas dinner related food item


7 swimming Northbrookers

11-12 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 7km

Fun challenge is get a swan-related photo (fancy dress is OK), could be at Swanswell Park or Swan Lane say or of something swim related.


8 Maids a-milking

9-10 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 8km

Fun challenge is get a picture of a dairy related item


9 Ladies a-dancing

7-8 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 9km

Fun challenge is get a picture of a dancing location


10 Northbrookers a-leaping

5-6 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 10km

Fun challenge is find a sign of something leaping


11 Pipers a-piping

3-4 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 11km.

Fun challenge is get a picture of a local plumbers or a “JLN” van/sign.


12 Drummers-to-post

1-2 December

Run challenge is paced distance of 12km.

Fun challenge is to find 12 postboxes and submit photo proof.