Northbrook Internationals

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Club Secretary and Welsh international Mark Baker was invited to represent the Celtic team v England in the Birmingham 10km on 26 May 2019, running in the MV50 age group. He also has invitations to represent the Celtic team V50 at two further events, the Maidenhead half-marathon on 1 September and the York marathon on 20 October.

The Celtic team includes Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, so Mark will be proudly wearing his Wales vest.

Mark last represented Wales ten years ago in the 100km Anglo-Celtic-Plate event held in Galway in 2009, where he was 4th Welsh finisher in a time of 10h:38m.

John Pollard was invited by Welsh triathlon to represent them at the British Championships in Nottingham on 15 June in the 60 to 64 age group.