Awards Presentation

6 February 2010

Presentation of the Club's annual awards took place at the Jaguar Sports and Social Club in Coventry.
Chairman Bob Adams introduced the award winners, and Denise Ladbury representing one of the Club's sponsors, presented the awards.

Award Winners for 2009

Men's Road Race John Hosie
Ladies' Road Race Rebecca Smith
Vet Men's Road Race Howard Andersen
Vet Ladies' Road Race Rebecca Smith
Veteran of the Year Howard Andersen
Men's Summer Handicap Alan Beeby
Ladies' Summer Handicap Helen Morris
Cath Fenn
Club Person of the Year Roger Ladbury
Most Improved Runner Richard Hands
Animals of the Year Howard Andersen*
Martyn Brunt**

* Ran legs 3 and 4 of the Hilly 100
** Competed in Ironman Triathlon and swam the English Channel.

Special awards presented for excellence in other competencies:

Compass Award - Jack Langman, for misdirecting Alix in race
Wellie Award - Richard Hodge, for packing wellingtons instead of running shoes at B'ham League race

Boxing Glove Award - Martyn Brunt, for holding his own in an altercation with a pedestrian

Pudding Award - Rob Pool, for consuming the most desserts at a Club social

Coach of the Year - Sarah McNaney, for keeping a tight rein on Level 3

Vest of the Year - Lisa Bragg, for initiative in blagging a new Club vest



Helen and Cath




Lyn and Sarah



Martin and Monkey

Rob and Pudding

Coach Sarah

Navigator Jack

Wellie Man Richard

Andy and Craig


Mark on vocals with backing duo The Shuffles