February 2010


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Featured events in February 2010:

Wokingham Half-Marathon - 21 February

  Paul Stead 1:29:18 PB
  James Joyce 1:29:26 PB
  Alix Critchley 1:29:43 PB
  Craig NcNaney 1:36:56 PB
  Jack Langman 1:37:51  
  Allan Walsh 1:40:37 PB
  Corinna O'Connor 1:43:50  
  Sarah McNaney 1:45:46  
  Sean O'Connor 2:17:23 1st half-marathon


Blimey, this race went from the painfully sublime (PBs and season's bests galore and the 90 minute barrier finally tumbling for Steady, James and myself) to the ridiculous - mud, dodgy baggage storage, too many people in too small a place, lukewarm ladies' showers, the abysmal start - spent the first mile and a half dodging people and trying to reach race pace - and then scoring people based on their gun to chip time rather than chip to chip on the results! We won't even mention the pub!!!   However, I digress, as it's all about the running really!!!.... Fantastic runs by everybody present, especially Sean at completing his first half... and a great Northbrook turn out :-) Bliddy well done all.... :-) - Alix Critchley

The Wokingham half marathon is known for being a pretty fast & flat course, and is a popular pre-London tune up race. Northbrook AC made its presence known with 9 runners making their way down through the rain and snow to battle it out against the elements. The hour leading up to the race was cold and very rainy, and because of this the start was a bit chaotic with everyone waiting until the last minute to get their kit bags in. The narrow start was made worse by the late and slower runners barging in near the front, meaning the first mile or so was spend shoulders down, barging our way through the field. James Joyce, Alix Critchley, and Paul Stead were all out to get sub 90mins, and once the crowds had died down soon got in their stride. The course itself was nice and quick, but with a couple of motorway bridges, and a deceptive long climb about 11 miles in. However this didn’t stop all the Northbrook runners putting in some great times, with 6 PBs from the 9 runners, and James, Paul and Alix all going under 90 minutes. All in all a very successful day! - James Joyce

Bramley 20 - 14 February

24 Howard Andersen 2:06:15 PB, 2nd M50 Vet

Full results at www.readingroadrunners.org

Midland Women's Cross-Country League Race 4 at West Bromwich - 13 January

13 Rebecca Smith 25:15
34 Alix Critchley 26:57
100 Corinna O'Connor 31:47

Corinna and I arrived after a quicker than expected drive there and then proceeded to hide in the car to get away from the chilly breeze! Spotted Becky at the start of her warm up.... Course was much better than it first appeared! Some great updulations to work hard up, followed by some nice downdulates to work the legs and recover a bit.
Becky had a storming run, clocking her highest ever finishing position as did Alix. Becky was also 3rd LV. Corinna made up the trio and had a good run too - bang on 100th place :o)
Very enjoyable course, and the question 'Why do we do this?' was quickly answered by the production of a superb Victoria Sandwich cake from Becky. The reason why we all run - cake.
The team finished 11th out of 26 teams on the day. I need to chase up our overall finishing place, although we didn't field a team at Senneley's this year, which may explain our non-appearance.
Thank you to all of the ladies who have turned up to run this season :o) It would be great to see more ladies out and running next year too. - Alix Critchley

Northbrook Ladies (first 3 to count) finished in 11th position out of 26 on the day.

Full results are on the Birmingham League website

Birmingham Cross-Country League Race 4 at Malvern - 13 February

22 Paul Andrew 37:17
26 Nathan Holmes 37:34
30 Mick O'Shea 38:08
38 John Hosie 38:55
107 Pete Austin 43:43
113 Richard French 44:32
138 Dave Fawkner 46:37
158 Jack Langman 49:18
172 Steve O'Shea 51:07
188 Tony French 59:01

Full results are on the Birmingham League website

Northbrook A Team (first 6 to count) finished in 8th position on the day, moving up to 9th place overall in the final scores.

Centurion 5m - 7 February

17 Mike Wheeler 30:59  
22 Rebecca Smith 31:47 1st lady

Coventry Parkrun - 6 February

2 John Hosie 16:08  
20 Lyn McDonald 20:12 1st lady, course record
25 Jack Langman 20:31  


For those who couldn't be bothered to get out of bed, they missed out on an almost guarenteed PB. The measuring tapes will surely be out before next week. Although the course may have been slightly short, Lyn's course record is worthy of mention.

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