Northbrook Athletic Club – Rules

Ordinary Membership
Life Members
Membership Application
Cessation of Membership
Members’ Duties & Responsibilities
Club Meetings
Officers’ Duties & Responsibilities
The Club Committee
Committee Members’ Duties & Responsibilities
Non-Committee Members’ Duties & Responsibilities
Disciplinary Procedures
Honours & Awards
Club Races & Awards

  1. Membership
  2. Classes of Membership of the Club shall consist of:
    Ordinary Members – persons who are amateurs under UK Athletics (UKA) rules. Ordinary Members must designate themselves as either “First Claim” or “Second Claim” Members
    Life Members.

    1. Ordinary Members
      Anyone satisfying the general admission criteria (as determined from time to time by the Committee) can become an Ordinary Member, provided that they are an amateur as defined from time to time by UK Athletics and that they are aged 18 or over at the date of their application.
      Ordinary Members who are of First Claim status shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at general meetings of the Club.
      Ordinary Members who are of Second Claim status shall be entitled to receive notice of and attend general meetings of the Club, but may not vote.
    2. Life Members
      Life Membership will ordinarily be granted only in recognition of outstanding active service to the Club over a number of years. The total number of Life Members at any one time is limited to four, and a maximum of two Life Memberships may be granted in any one financial year. Candidates for Life Membership shall proposed by the Committee and elected at an Annual General Meeting with the support of two thirds of the voting members present. A Member granted Life Membership will receive a certificate confirming the honour.
      Life Members are exempt from payment of annual subscriptions but shall otherwise have the same rights as Ordinary Members.

  3. Membership Application
    1. Individuals who wish to become Members of the Club must apply using the Membership method approved by the Committee from time to time.
    2. By becoming a Member of the Club, every Member agrees to abide by the Club’s Constitution, the Club’s Rules, the Rules of Competition and other rules and regulations of UK Athletics Limited and the rules and regulations of England Athletics Limited (or relevant successor bodies).

  4. Subscriptions
    1. The rate of membership fee, including any concessionary rates, shall be effective for the current financial year. The membership fee for existing members shall become due immediately following the AGM and must be paid in full by such date as the Committee shall prescribe each year to be eligible for the benefits of the Club’s membership and that year’s Club Honours and Awards.
    2. Any Member having arrears of subscriptions of more than six weeks will have their membership automatically suspended and will not be eligible to participate in the affairs or activities of the Club, including voting in any General Meeting. Payment of a full subscription at a later date, but not later than six months from the due date, will enable the suspended member to be readmitted by the Committee.
    3. Any member who has not fully paid their subscription for the year by the 1st July shall, at the discretion of the Club Committee, be liable to be expelled or suspended from membership and shall not be entitled to claim affiliation, hold office or compete for the Club.

  5. Cessation of Membership
    1. A Member may resign from membership at any time by notice to that effect given to the Secretary. A Member shall remain liable to pay any arrears of contributions or subscriptions owed at the time of resignation but shall not be entitled to any refund of subscriptions in respect of any remaining period.
    2. The Committee shall have the power to expel a Member when in its opinion it would not be in the interests of the sport or the Club for him/her to remain a Member. Such expulsion shall be carried out in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures set out below.

  6. Members’ Duties and Responsibilities
  7. General

    1. All Members shall:
      1. deport themselves in a manner becoming of members of the Club
      2. show respect for other Club Members, to guests and to members of the public
      3. when participating in Club organised training sessions follow the reasonable instructions of training leaders for their safety and well-being
      4. show respect for the property of others
      5. observe the membership requirements of Jaguar Sports & Social Club when using its facilities.


    1. Guest runners are welcome to participate in the Club’s regular activities. A Member introducing a guest shall inform the guest of the Club’s rules regarding guests:
      1. occasional attendance at Club evenings is not dependent on becoming a Member of the Club
      2. a guest attending Club evenings on a permanent or frequent and regular basis is expected to take out membership of the Club
      3. a guest wishing to use the facilities of the Jaguar Sports and Social Club must be signed in by a Sports & Social Club member.

  8. Club Meetings
  9. General Meetings

    1. At all such meetings the President or Chairman, or in his or her absence a member of the Club selected by those members of the Committee present, shall take the Chair. At all special General Meetings every Member shall have one vote unless disqualified from voting by the Constitution. Voting may be by those present or by proxy. Every resolution submitted to a meeting shall be decided by a show of hands and in the case of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have an additional vote.
    2. The following rules shall apply to all General Meetings:
      1. the quorum for any General Meeting shall be 15% (fifteen percent) of the current First-Claim membership personally present and entitled to vote and shall include at least two officers of the Club as defined in Clause 12 of the Club Constitution. No business shall be transacted at any Special or General Meeting unless the required quorum is present. If, within an hour following the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and a place agreed by the majority of Members present. If, at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, those Members who are present shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the meeting was called.
      2. all resolutions (and amendments thereto) shall be put to the meeting;
      3. resolutions proposed for consideration by a General Meeting shall be submitted in writing (including by email) to the Secretary or by other appropriate means provided by the Club, eg, via a webform or dedicated email address at least two weeks before the date of the meeting;
      4. amendments may be proposed at any time during debate, although the Chair shall have the right to require these to be put in writing together with the name of the proposer;
      5. the Chair shall deal with amendments in the strict order in which they are proposed, although he/she shall have the right to refuse amendments which negate the resolution. If an amendment to a resolution is proposed, no further amendments shall be proposed until the first is disposed of. If an amendment is lost, a further amendment may be moved to the original resolution but only one amendment shall be submitted to the meeting at one time; if an amendment to a resolution is carried, then the resolution as amended shall become the resolution to which further amendments may be proposed.

    3. During the course of debate the proposer of a resolution may accept an amendment to the resolution, in which case the amended resolution shall become the resolution under debate. The proposer can withdraw a resolution or amendment. The resolution shall be debated and decided by the meeting.
    4. The Chair of the General Meeting may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn the same from time to time and from place to place but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from the point at which the adjournment took place.

    Rights to Attend, Speak and Vote at Meetings

    1. Members of the Club Committee shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at any Club Committee meeting or General Meeting.
    2. Life Members shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings. They may attend and speak at Club Committee meetings but may not vote.
    3. Past Presidents shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings.
    4. Fully paid up first claim Members not suspended or disqualified under Disciplinary Procedures shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at General Meetings.
    5. Fully paid up second claim Members not suspended or disqualified under Disciplinary Procedures shall be entitled to attend, and speak at General Meetings but may not vote.
    6. Any fully paid up Member may, on invitation from the Club Committee, attend and speak at Club Committee meetings but may not vote.

  10. Officers’ Duties and Responsibilities
  11. Honorary Officers

    1. The Honorary Officers shall remain in office for a term of one year after their election until the end of the Annual General Meeting in the year after their election and shall be eligible for re-election. These Officers may delegate and assign tasks to other Members ofthe Club.
    2. In the event of any office becoming vacant the Club Committee shall, as soon as possible, fill the vacancy by appointment.

    The President
    1. The President shall:

      1. preside at all General Meetings, officiate at all prize giving, presentations and functions of the Club and shall represent the Club at all other functions which the Club is invited to attend
      2. greet and entertain all dignitaries and members of the press who may from time to time visit the Club
      3. be an authorised signatory for withdrawals from the Club bank account(s)
      4. be a member of the Committee
      5. be nominated annually by the other members of the Committee and the nomination shall be ratified by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

    The Chairman

    1. The Chairman shall:
      1. preside at all Club Committee meetings and, by agreement with the President, may preside at General Meetings
      2. ex-officio be a member of all sub-committees
      3. be an authorised signatory for withdrawals from the Club bank accounts(s).

    The Secretary

    1. The Secretary shall:
      1. maintain a register of the names and addresses of all the Officers of the Club
      2. attend General Meetings and Club Committee meetings and take minutes of the proceedings
      3. issue notice of all General Meetings and Club Committee meetings
      4. onduct such correspondence as may be necessary on behalf of the Club
      5. ex-officio be a member of all sub-committees
      6. be an authorised signatory of the Club bank account(s).

    The Treasurer

    1. The Treasurer shall:
      1. ensure that proper accounts are kept and provide Committee Members with accurate financial reports on at least a quarterly basis
      2. pay all monies received from any source whatever, without deduction, to the credit of the Club bank account(s)
      3. keep such accounts and pay such debts as the Club Committee may direct for the proper control of the Clubs finances
      4. report on monies received and paid out to meetings of the Club Committee
      5. make a report on the finances of the Club to the Annual General Meeting
      6. be an authorised signatory of the Club bank account(s).

  12. The Club Committee
  13. Composition

    1. Ordinary Committee Members shall fill and represent the Functional Roles of the Club as described in these Club Rules. The allocation of these duties shall be by election at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with these Club rules.  Duties may be reallocated by mutual consent between the Honorary Officers and all the affected Committee Members.
    2. Any Member may be nominated by any other two Members, with his/her approval, as a candidate for any of the posts of Committee Member by notice either in writing (including by email) to the Secretary or by other appropriate means provided by the Club, eg, via a webform, at least two weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
    3. A Member may accept nomination for any of the separately elected posts constituting the Committee, subject to being eligible to hold only one of these posts at any time. If a Member shall be elected to a post during the prescribed course of business, his or her name shall be deleted from all subsequent voting for the remaining elected posts at that meeting.
    4. If the number of candidates for the post of any Ordinary Committee Member (as each falls for election) is only one, that candidate shall be declared elected unopposed. If the number of candidates is more than one, ballot papers shall be prepared containing in alphabetical order all the names thus proposed: every eligible Member may vote for each office with the first candidate to reach a majority elected.
    5. Ordinary Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall remain in office for a term of one year after their election until the end of the Annual General Meeting in the year after their election and shall be eligible for re-election.
    6. Any member of the Committee may resign his or her respective office at any time by notice in writing to that effect given to the Secretary and such resignation shall take effect immediately.

    Proceedings of the Committee

    1. Any additional meetings (above six) may be held in accordance with these Club Rules and in a manner agreeable to the Committee (including by telephone conference call). Notice of and the agenda for any meeting, together with the minutes of the previous meeting, shall be sent or given to all Officers not less than seven days prior to the meeting.
    2. Matters arising at any meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of votes illustrated by a show of hands. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting (additional) vote.
    3. The Committee may regulate their meetings and proceedings as they think fit.  As soon as is reasonably possible after a meeting, the Secretary shall distribute minutes of the meeting to the other Committee members for comment. The Committee shall, within two weeks of each meeting, record the decisions that it has taken and publicise these to Club Members. The Club Committee shall, at each meeting, decide the date and time of its next meeting.
    4. The Committee may invite persons who are not members of the Committee to address a meeting of the Committee.
    5. The Committee shall decide who, if anyone, shall represent the Club at meetings of other sporting bodies where matters affecting the Club may be discussed and/or voted on.
    6. The Committee may set up and delegate any of its powers to any sub-committee it may consider necessary. Any sub-committee so formed shall conform to any regulations imposed on it by the Club Committee.

    Leaving Office

    1. The office of an elected member of the Committee shall be vacated with immediate effect if he or she:
      1. resigns at any time by notice in writing to that effect given to the Secretary and such resignation shall take effect immediately;
      2. ceases to be a member or shall be excluded or suspended from the Club under disciplinary proceedings;
      3. fails to pay their subscription on or before the due date unless extended for good cause by the Committee;
      4. is absent from the Committee Meetings for more than two consecutive or one third of Committee meetings without the explicit consent of the Committee, such consent to be recorded in the minutes of the Committee;
      5. becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement with his creditors;
      6. is or may be suffering from a mental disorder;
      7. is suspended from holding office or taking part in any activity relating to the administration or management of a Club by a decision of England Athletics Limited or UK Athletics Limited;
      8. is asked to resign by all the other Committee members, acting together.
    2. A member of the Committee who is absent from three or more properly organised Committee meetings without the explicit consent of the Committee as recorded in the minutes of the Committee during one Term of the Committee shall be ineligible to stand for re-election.

  14. Committee Members’ Duties and Responsibilities
  15. The Membership Secretary

    1. The Membership Secretary shall:
      1. maintain a register of Club Members
      2. make available Membership Application Forms and provide information about the Club and its activities to prospective members
      3. report to the Club Committee on all persons seeking membership
      4. report to the Club Committee on members resigning from the Club
      5. make available Membership Renewal Forms in a timely fashion
      6. provide a return of the membership to UKA as required
      7. provide UKA registration numbers to Club members upon request
      8. compile and publish lists of athletic events which are, or may be, of interest to the members of the Club and shall provide entry forms and details of such events.

    The Club Captains

    1. The Club Captains shall jointly or individually as appropriate:
      1. advise the Club Committee on forthcoming athletic activities and events
      2. organise, promote or help to organise or promote such events as the Club Committee may decide to promote
      3. take entries and prepare block bookings for events considered by the Club Committee to be suitable for such procedure
      4. select Club teams and, subject to the instructions of the Club Committee, manage the teams taking part in competitions
      5. use their best efforts to put together a team or teams to compete in league cross-country competitions.
    The Social Secretary

    1. The Social Secretary shall:
      1. suggest social activities appropriate to the membership to the Club Committee
      2. arrange social activities for club members, including the booking of venues and artistes, and arrangement of transport where appropriate
      3. collect monies and distribute tickets
      4. report to the Club Committee on the conduct and popularity of social events.

    Sub-Committee Secretaries

    1. The Secretaries of any sub-committees shall:
      1. convene meetings of their sub-committees and take minutes of their proceedings
      2. carry out such duties as their sub-committees or as the Club Committee may direct
      3. report on behalf of their sub-committee to the Club Committee.

    The Club Coaching Co-Ordinator

    1. The Club Coaching Co-Ordinator shall:
      1. have duties and responsibilities that satisfy the aims and objectives of the Club and meet as far as reasonably possible the requirements of the membership
      2. have duties and responsibilities that are defined by the Club Committee in consultation with the post holder
    2. The Club Coaching Co-ordinator is nominated annually by the Club Committee in consultation with run leaders, and the nomination ratified by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

  16. Non-Committee Members’ Duties and Responsibilities
  17. The Welfare Officer

    1. The Welfare Officer shall:
      1. Ensure that the Club’s Welfare Policy and processes are fully compliant with the requirements and guidance of the governing body to which the Club is affiliated
      2. Manage welfare issues together with the Committee (as appropriate)
      3. Report serious safeguarding issues, in a timely manner, to the relevant authority(s)(Police/England Athletics/UK Athletics)
      4. Ensure all volunteers have suitable, sufficient and up to date training and safeguarding checks (DBS)
      5. Report to, and advise, the Club Committee on relevant welfare matters
      6. To avoid conflict of interest the Welfare Officer should not hold any other official or coaching position
    2. The Welfare Officer is appointed by the Club Committee.

    The Health & Safety Co-Ordinator

    1. The Health & Safety Co-Ordinator shall:
      1. Ensure The Club Health and Safety Policy and processes are fully compliant with the requirements of UK Athletics and current England Athletics Guidance
      2. Ensure that Risk Assessments are in place for all Club activities
      3. Maintain the Club H&S File and advise appropriate persons when reviews are due
      4. Hold the Club Accident Book and ensure all injuries and/or accidents are recorded
      5. Investigate and produce a report to the committee on all injuries and/or accidents occurring as a result of a Club activity
      6. Report to, and advise, the Club Committee on relevant H&S issues
    2. The Health and Safety Co-ordinator is appointed by the Club Committee and should not hold any other position that has responsibility for Risk Assessments.

    The Social Media Officer

    1. The Social Media Officer shall:

      1. Report to, and advise, the Club Committee on relevant social media issues

    The Website Administrator

    1. The Web Administrator shall:
      1. maintain a website to provide online information about the Club, including a Club history, information for existing and prospective members and information about forthcoming events
      2. post information about recent Club activities, including results of individual and team races
      3. maintain the Club web address ( and an appropriate hosting service
      4. maintain and administer email mailing list(s) as required from time to time for Club and member communications
      5. report to the Club Committee on relevant matters arising from website usage as required.

    The Auditor

    1. The Auditor(s) shall make an audit of the accounts of the Club at the end of the financial year and report thereon to the Annual General Meeting stating:
      1. whether or not all the information and explanations required has been obtained, and
      2. whether in the opinion of the Auditors the Balance Sheet referred to is properly drawn up so as to show a true and fair view of the state of the affairs of the Club according to the Auditors’ best knowledge and the explanations given to them and as shown by the books of account.
    2. Each Auditor of the Club shall have a right of access at all times to the books of account and vouchers of the Club.
    3. At any time, if so required by the Club Committee, the Auditors shall make an audit of the Club’s accounts and report to the Committee.
    4. The Committee may fill any casual vacancy in the office of Auditor but while any such vacancy continues the surviving or continuing Auditor if any may act. Any Auditor so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.

  18. Disciplinary Procedures
    1. The Club shall not tolerate the physical or mental abuse, harassment, discrimination or defamation of any of its Members during, or subsequent to, Club Events.  Any Member may be disciplined or excluded from membership of the Club if he or she is in contravention of the Club Rules.
      1. the Member’s conduct has been, or is likely to be, prejudicial to the interests of the Club, its Governing Bodies or the sport of athletics;
      2. the Member’s subscription is six months or more in arrears.
    2. Any Member to be disciplined or excluded from the Club for disciplinary reasons will be given one month’s clear notice in writing sent to such Member by a registered or recorded delivery letter, addressed to his/her last known address, informing him/her of the proposed action of the Committee, details of the case against him or her and the date of the Committee Meeting. The Member shall be entitled to attend the Meeting and be heard in defence, but shall not be entitled to be present at the voting or take part in the proceedings other than as the Committee shall permit. If the Member is a member of the Committee, he or she shall not be entitled to vote.
    3. Any Member disciplined or excluded from the Club for disciplinary reasons may lodge an appeal with the Committee and shall thereupon have the right to demand that the matter be referred to three arbitrators: one chosen by the Committee, one chosen and paid for by the aggrieved party and one by the two arbitrators.  In the event that the first two arbitrators fail to agree on a third, the third arbitrator shall be appointed by a relevant organising body as shall be nominated by the Committee. Such arbitrators shall have the power by their award to annul the disciplinary action or exclusion, or to annul it subject to the performance of any condition, which the arbitrators may think fit to impose.
    4. Any member competing in a UKA event shall wear the Club colours. Any member failing to do so shall, at the Club Committee’s discretion, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty (50) pence.
    5. All disciplinary matters, including exclusion, will be agreed by resolution of the whole committee, excluding vacancies, present and voting at a properly convened Committee Meeting.
    6. Any candidate for disciplinary action, including exclusion, who is a member of the Committee may not vote on the disciplinary action that is being considered at a Committee Meeting.

  19. Expenses
    1. Any member necessarily required to incur expenses on behalf of the Club may seek re-imbursement provided the nature and extent of the expense has been previously agreed by the Committee, or in exceptional circumstances, by an Officer of the Club.
    2. Any member who gains re-imbursement of an expense or expenses in respect of personal education or improvement, eg. coaching skills shall, at the discretion of the Committee, be required to pay back the expense(s) if the member should leave the Club:
      1. within one year of completion of the training course   100% of the expense(s)
      2. within two years of completion of the training course    50% of the expense(s)

  20. Policies
    1. The Club will implement and maintain policies as required by statute and by the governing body to which to the Club is affiliated. Policies will be reviewed periodically by the Club Committee and will be available to view by the membership on request.
    2. Current policies include:
      1. Health and Safety
      2. Welfare and Safeguarding
      3. Privacy

  21. Honours and Awards
    1. The organisation and formats of any Club Championships shall be decided by the Club Committee from time to time. Details and eligibility criteria shall be incorporated in the Club’s Rules.
    2. The number and style of any awards to be presented on an annual basis to eligible members, and the forum for presentation of such Club awards shall be decided by the Club Committee.

  22. Club Races and Awards
    1. All paid up members are eligible to compete in club events, score points and win awards. Guest runners or lapsed members may compete, but do not score points or win awards.
    2. Northbrook Race Championship
      1. A set of 8 races over various distances in a calendar year.
        Race distances are:

        1. the Summer Handicap 5Km
        2. 5Km
        3. 5 miles
        4. 10Km
        5. 10 miles
        6. Half-Marathon
        7. 20 miles
        8. Marathon
      2. All races completed over these distances will qualify, regardless of the surface on which they are run. As long as the race is advertised to be over the appropriate distance there is no need for an official Certificate of Accuracy to be produced. The only time that a Certificate of Accuracy is required is when a member claims to have broken a Club record.
        The Race Championship results compiler will award 200 points to the fastest time in a category, then 199, etc. Categories are All Men, All Women, Veteran Men (MV35, MV45, MV55 & MV65) and Veteran Women (FV35, FV45, FV55 & FV65). If a member completes more than 5 distances in a calendar year, the best 5 distances count to their total. It is the responsibility of members to inform the results compiler of their results using the Results Upload form on the Club website, to ensure that these results are included in the Championship.
    3. Northbrook Cross-Country Championship
      1. The championship comprises 10 cross-country events, with the athlete’s best six events scoring, of which a minimum of three must be Birmingham and District Invitation Cross-County League (men) or Midlands Women’s Cross-Country League (women) events.
        The events included are:

        1. Midland Counties Women’s League (women)
        2. Birmingham and District Invitation Cross-Country League (men)
        3. Warwick University Relays
        4. Warwickshire Championships
        5. Midlands Cross-Country Championships
        6. National Cross-Country Championships
        7. Midlands Cross Country Relays
        8. Midlands 5 & 7 Stage Cross-Country Relays
      2. Scoring
        The average pace per individual in each cross-country race is scored as a percentage against their average pace of their 5k time of the Race Championship points table or their average Northbrook Summer Handicap Race handicap time (whichever is quicker) and used as a qualifying average pace to compare across the winter championship.
        Whichever runner has the best time relative to their handicap average pace gets the most points for that race.
        For example:
        Runner A has a baseline handicap average pace of 8:00 minutes per mile and runs cross-country race 1 at an average pace of 8:15. Runner A has a relative % score of 97% (against their handicap average pace).
        Runner B has a baseline handicap average pace of 9:15 minutes per mile and runs cross-country race 1 at an average pace of 8:55. Runner B has a relative % score of 104% (against their handicap average pace).
        Runner B records the better % pace against their baseline handicap average pace.
        Runner B scores 100 points, Runner A scores 99 points.
      3. A championship shield will be presented to the top scoring man and woman, and trophies to the runners up.
    4. Northbrook parkrun Grand Prix
      1. The Northbrook parkrun Grand Prix comprises 8 handicapped runs at seven local parkrun venues as listed on the first Saturday of every “winter” month*.
        1. September – Coventry
        2. October – Holbrooks
        3. November – Bedworth
        4. December – Leamington
        5. January – Warwick
        6. February – Brueton Park
        7. March – Babbs Mill
        8. April – Coventry
      2. Rules
        • 5 ‘races’ to count out of 8
        • Position based on Summer Handicap
        • Handicap based on final Summer Handicap values
        • Men’s and Women’s Competitions
        • Northbrook kit to be worn.

        *During the Cross-Country season these may be moved to avoid clashes.

    5. 5km Summer Handicap
      1. A series of 6 races per season over a designated 5 kilometre course. The Summer Handicapper calculates handicaps and publishes results separately for men and for ladies. Basic points are awarded in each race to the finishers, with 200 points to the first man, 199 points for the second and so on. The first woman is awarded 200 points, the second 199 points and so on. Finishing positions lower than 200th for men and women do not qualify for basic points in that race.
      2. Additional PB points are awarded for Personal Best performances in a race, provided that the member has completed 5 previous races over the same course. If all 6 races are completed in a season the 5 best points scores count towards the total. In addition, the name of the first finisher in each race will be entered into an annual draw. The number of entries in each draw being equivalent to the number of times a member has been the first finisher. The draw winner will be given a voucher.
    6. London Marathon Draw
      1. Conditional on the Club receiving an allocation of “Guaranteed Entry” places, a draw is held to distribute these entries to Club members who meet the qualification criteria.
      2. A draw will be made for the number of Guaranteed Entry places allocated to the Club, plus one reserve. The number of Guaranteed Entry places the Club has available in any year will be determined by the London Marathon organising body. Entries will be allocated in the order drawn.
      3. The draw is split into 2 parts, the first draw is open only to runners who have NOT previously competed in the London Marathon, either with a GFA, ballot, charity or club place. The second draw is open to all members meeting the eligibility criteria, including those unsuccessful in the first draw. First-time London Marathon runners therefore have two opportunities to obtain a place via the Club ballot.
      4. If the number of entries satisfying the requirement of Rule 5 below is fewer than the number of places available, Rule 5 will be relaxed by reducing the number of races to permit entries from runners with results from fewer than six qualifying races. Entries that satisfy fully the requirement of Rule 5 will be given preference in the draw.
      5. To be eligible to be included in the London Marathon Draw a member must:
        1. be a member of Northbrook AC
        2. have paid the appropriate Northbrook AC membership fees for the current year
        3. have been a member of Northbrook AC for at least twelve calendar months prior to the date for acceptance of Guaranteed Club Entries by the London Marathon Ltd (usually the beginning of January next)
        4. have applied for the next years London Marathon and have an official rejection slip
        5. have not been awarded a place in any of the previous three (3) Club ballots
        6. have completed at least 6 (six) races from the designated Club events listed below by 31 December – see note below

        1. Birmingham League (men), Midland League (women)
        2. MCAA 7 Champs (men), MCAA 5 Champs (women)
        3. Warwickshire, Midland and National Championships
        4. Midland and National Relays
        5. Warwick University Relays


        1. Midland and National 6-stage relays (men), 4-stage relays (women)
        2. Midland and National 12-stage relays (men), 6-stage relays (women)
        3. Warwickshire Road Race League
        4. Cotswold Hilly 100 relay
        5. Summer Club Handicap races (assisting as a volunteer counts as competing)


        1. Any team event supported by the Club and entered under the Club name.

        Entrants who have not completed 6 qualifying races at the time of entry submission will be required to specify the event(s) they intend to complete. If successful in the draw, allocation of the Guaranteed Entry will be conditional on the event(s) being completed.

      6. Alternatively, and in addition to qualifying via 15.5.4 above, Club Coaches and Training Leaders qualify for inclusion in the Ballot if they have led at least eight (8) official Club Training Sessions during the year preceding the Draw.
        Club Coaching Officials may qualify for up to two opportunities to obtain a place via the Club ballot.
    7. Club Person of the Year Shield
      1. To be awarded to the person the membership considers has contributed the most to the Club during the year, decided by a ballot of the membership taken not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Awards Presentation. The Secretary shall provide notice of the ballot by the most appropriate means and shall make available ballot slips. The Club Committee shall appoint two (2) adjudicators to count the votes cast and tabulate the results. The ballot shall be decided on a simple majority of the votes cast.
    8. Most Improved Runner Shields
      1. To be awarded to the male and female members whose running performances the membership considers have improved most during the year, decided by a ballot of the membership taken not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the Awards Presentation. The Secretary shall provide notice of the ballot by the most appropriate means and shall make available ballot slips. The Club Committee shall appoint two (2) adjudicators to count the votes cast and tabulate the results. The ballot shall be decided on a simple majority of the votes cast.
    9. Greatest Mileage Awards
      1. To be awarded to the firts three male and female members with the highest aggregate distances run in the year, calculated from all the distances recorded on the club website. Where an event distance is not stated on the club website the advertised event distance will used.
    10. Equilibrium Cup
      1. The Equilibrium Cup competition is based upon a set distance that is decided by the membership annually.
        It is an individuals competition with a built-in equalising factor.
        To be included, race result data must be submitted via the associated form on the Northbrook A.C. website, irrespective of any other submission to the results pages.
        To take part, a member must run any UKA certified race over the specified distance and then submit the race result via the designated website form.
        The data needed is:

        • Official finishing time
        • Total elevation gain
        • Total elevation loss
        • Link to a wearable tech device

        Time adjustments will be made to submitted results based on age, gender and net elevation.
        A new time is recalculated based on the Grade Adjusted Pace (GAP).
        This new time is used to calculate a WAVA score (a score out of 100 adjusted for age and gender).
        There is no limit to the number of race results that can be submitted for the specified distance between 1 January and 31 December.
        The competition winner will be the member with the highest score as at 31 December.

    11. Brian Waterfield Trophy
      1. To be awarded to the member who, in the opinion of the club committee, has been the leading veteran runner during the year.
    12. Paul Kelly Cup
      1. To be awarded to the club member who has completed the most races throughout the calendar year. These include club handicap races, park runs, relay races and league or championship cross country races.
    13. Runners of the Month
      1. One male and one female Club Member to be recognised and announced monthly at the Committee’s discretion. The names of the individuals so recognised will be entered into separate male and female annual draws, the number of entries in each draw being equivalent to the number of times the member has been recognised in the period. The draw winners will each be given a voucher.

    These Club Rules were adopted by the members at the Annual General Meeting on 22 January 2014.
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 28 January 2015.
    Rules amended by the club committee on 5 October 2015.
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 27 January 2016.
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 24 January 2018.
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 23 January 2019.
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 29 January 2020
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 20 January 2021
    Rules amended by the club committee (new Clauses 15.14 & 15.15 added) at committee meeting on 8 June 2021
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 13 January 2022
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 12 January 2023
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 11 January 2024
    Rules amended by the members at the AGM on 22 January 2025


Northbrook badge

Club membership is governed at all times by these rules.

See also the Club Constitution