Committee Meetings
The Club committee is elected each year at the Club’s Annual General Meeting. The committee meets every month to discuss a variety of Club matters that affect you.
Meetings are minuted, and you can view minutes of all committee meetings by visiting the Meetings Index page.
To see who’s on the Committee, visit the Club Committee page.
Annual General Meetings
The Club holds its Annual General Meeting usually in January or February. The Notice and Agenda, together with any proposals to put before the AGM, are published here.
You can see what was discussed at the last and at all previous AGM’s by visiting the Meetings Index page.
Notice of the AGM is sent by email to members on the Northbrook emailing list, and a copy is circulated on Club nights during the weeks previous to the meeting.
2nd claim members can attend the AGM and join in the discussion but may not vote. To be eligible to vote at an AGM you must be a fully paid up 1st claim Club member.
The next Annual General Meeting will be held in January 2026.