held on 22 October 2018


A. French (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
M. Baker (Secretary)
S. Davies (Men’s Captain)
C. Fenn (Women’s Captain)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (Guest)

  1. Apologies – A Mackness (Treasurer), R Cawley (Membership and Social Secretary)
  2. Matters Arising – none
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Tony Mackness had circulated details of the accounts prior to the meeting.
  4. Social Secretary Report – The next Awards Night will be on 16th February 2019 at the Windmill Farm hotel. It will be combined with a 40th Anniversary celebration.
  5. Men’s/Women’s Captains’ Report – There were lots of good race runs in Warks Road Race League and relays. Wednesday training groups are getting bigger and need to be monitored. The cross-country season relays and league races are approaching soon
  6. We are co-hosting the opening Birmingham cross-country and Midland Ladies cross-country races at Coundon Hall Park on 10th November. Masseys and Sphinx are also co-hosts. Tony French and Cath Fenn updated the committee on the preparations so far regarding the course, restricted areas, first aid, parking, facilities, logistics, etc.
  7. 10Km race – Tony French said that next year’s race is on 14th July 2019. The start time could be earlier. Anyone who knows potential sponsors should contact the 10Km committee.
  8. Kit – Damian Pharaoh will be placing orders for retro anniversary t-shirts and bobble hats.
  9. Runners of the Month – September 2018 winners – Men: Dave Halford (several good long distance runs), Women: Sara Phipps – formerly Sara Boot (ran well in 4 events, PB in Parkrun Cup)
  10. Any other business:
    1. Summer Handicap – Changes needed to manage increasing numbers next year?
    2. Parkrun Cup – Richard Cawley said that the second round is underway
    3. Lockup sale (Club Equipment storage) – being monitored, door repair needed
    4. Club Membership – now exceeds 200 members for the first time
    5. Jaguar Fees – Fees are now due to be paid by individuals
    6. London Marathon Club Places – to be applied for from 5th November
    7. AGM – Booked at Jaguar for Wednesday 23rd January 2019 at 8.30pm
    8. Thunder Run – Subsidy will be the same when entries entered
    9. Warks Road League AGM and Prizes – 5th November. Balsall Common 10km to be considered for next year.
    10. Mailing list software – Roger Ladbury requested switch to Mail Chimp platform which was agreed
    11. ‘No shows’ at paid club races – People who said they will run and cannot run, should try to arrange a substitute.
  11. Next Meeting – Monday 22 November 2018, venue to be confirmed.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker