Northbrook AC Annual General Meeting 2021
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Northbrook AC Annual General Meeting will be held by video conference on
WEDNESDAY 20th JANUARY 2021 at 8pm.
Further details of how to attend and vote will be made available before the meeting.
Please make every effort to attend as important decisions are made at the meeting which affect the whole of the membership. It is vital that votes taken on the night can be regarded as representative of the membership as a whole.
A proposal is typically a formal submission to put before the membership to change or add to the Club Constitution or Club Rules or to change the way the Club is managed or financed that is not in the remit of the Club committee to decide.
Proposals to be put to the 2021 AGM can be viewed by following this link. View proposals.
- Apologies
- Welcome
- Minutes of 2020 AGM
- Matters arising from the minutes
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report and Membership Fees for Forthcoming Year
- Election of Officers and Members of Club Committee
- Discussion of Proposals Received
- Any Other Business.
Election of Committee
The Club committee is elected by the membership each year at the AGM.
Committee positions are:
- Chairman
- Club Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Secretary
- Men’s Captain
- Women’s Captain
- Social Secretary
Some present committee members have indicated their willingness to stand again but the positions of Membership Secretary and Women’s Captain are falling vacant. Nominations closed at 6pm on Wednesday 6 January 2021.
In addition to the committee, there are other roles to consider. In particular, this year the Club needs a COVID-19 Officer to allow us to organise training safely. The preparation for the role is already done, and the role involves following England Athletics rules for COVID-19 and liaising with leaders and coaches as and when required. Anyone can apply for the role, but it may particularly suit a leader or coach who understands the requirements of organising a training session. Please respond if you can assist with this role. There is a section on the online voting form where you can signify your interest.
Who can attend and vote?
All members of the Club may attend the AGM. Second Claim members can attend and join in the discussion but may not vote. To be eligible to vote at an AGM you must be a fully paid up First Claim Club member.
Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting are on the Northbrook AGM 2020 Minutes page.