held by video conference on 2 May 2023


T. Moynihan (President)
R. Adams (Chairman)
Mark Baker (Secretary)
A. Mackness (Treasurer)
T. Hughes (Membership Secretary)
S. Davies (Men’s Captain)
S. Eason (Women’s Captain)
R. Cox (Coaching Co-ordinator)

In attendance:

R. Ladbury (guest)

  1. Apologies – S. Duffy (Social Secretary)
  2. Matters arising from previous minutes – none
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Tony Mackness circulated details before the meeting and answered questions about the club balance.
  4. Membership – Tim Hughes said we have 202 members renewing so far.
  5. Health and Safety Incidents – None reported. Terry Moynihan will circulate template forms.
  6. Club Mailing Lists – Roger Ladbury previously expressed his concerns about the software we use right now which needs a lot of manual intervention and technical knowledge. Roger has been investigating mailing software used by Masseys called ‘Connect My Club’. There is a cost, but it will improve our ability to communicate easily with our membership. There is a trial until the end of June. Feedback is needed. Roger and Tim Hughes will have overall admin permissions.
  7. Events – The Midlands Road relays were attended with a few teams. There have been lots of people running in marathons and the Coventry Way event was popular. The Cotswolds Hilly 100 is taking place soon.
  8. Social Events – tbc.
  9. Leaders Training – Rob Cox has booked more club track sessions funded by the club with some combined groups eg level 1 and 2.
  10. 10k race – Tony Mackness said entries are coming in now. Sara Phipps will be invited to the next meeting.
  11. Improvers Course – 38 people attended the course at Allesley Park including 6 Northbrook runners
  12. Summer Handicap – Runners need to pre-register on our website. Parkrun barcodes must be brought to the event. Runners can get free barcodes on the parkrun website. Guests are welcome. The second race is on 3rd May. The June race will move to 14th June to avoid a clash with the Sphinx 5 miles race.
  13. Social Media – We are still seeking someone to assist with this role. Spencer Davies contacted the committee members before the meeting to discuss having separate private and public accounts, so that we can be visible to potential new members. The committee suggested that the changes can go ahead alongside the ‘Connect My Club’ app launch.
  14. Runners of the Month – April 2023 – Men: Tommy Dempsey (Manchester Marathon and organising Sunday training runs), Women: Caroline Hughes (Manchester Marathon).
  15. Any other business:
    1. Tony Murphy – Founder member Tony sadly passed away recently, and he will be missed by everyone who knew him. The club will contribute to a charitable cause chosen by Tony’s family in his memory.
    2. Jaguar Parking fines – A new member received a fine which was fortunately cancelled later due to intervention from Bob Adams. However, this cannot be guaranteed in future. The Jaguar club approach road may also be a restricted parking area. All people who park their vehicles at Jaguar, now need to enter their registration number into a machine as soon as they arrive. It is important that the approach road is not obstructed with cars. Machines are in the bar lobby and sports club entrance corridor. There is no charge, but failing to register could lead to a parking fine. This must be done on every visit to Jaguar. Bob Adams will communicate more information to members.
    3. London Marathon Club Places 2024 – Mark Baker will monitor the website for information, but none is expected until the Autumn.
    4. Demographics – Terry Moynihan will analyse our inclusivity when seeking new members.
  16. Next Meeting – Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 7.30pm to be held by video conference.

Minutes prepared by Mark Baker